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时间日期:2014-09-23 13:14:🔯00  特征:dongmubyb.com        点击进入三次:15  🍎;  


Cui Kai,Zhu Xiaodi,Zhuang Weimin,Meng Jianmin,Hu Yue,Z💞hou Kai,Shan Jun,Kris Yao🐬,Wang Weijen,Li Xinggang,URBANUS,Liu Kecheng,Cui Tong,Wang Yun,MADA s.p.a.m.,WSP,DESHAUSE,Zhang Lei,Li Hu,Xu Tiantian,Dong Gong,Zhang Ming,HHDFUN,Zhao Yang,Kang Kai,Feng Zhenggong



Exhibition Consultant




Exhibition Design

Wang Zhenfei, Wang Luming





Academic Support

Architecture Journal Magazine Press

China Architecture and Art Yearbook

Time+Architecture Press




Supporting Organizations

Beijing Baogui Stone Art Science and Technology🉐 Co., Ltd

Zhejiang Dasso Industrial Group Co.,Ltd


“CBC Beyond Architecture” Exhibition

“CBC工程物以外”展由CBC(China Buildܫing Center)、《OBJEKT境》期刊杂志、思班组织联手牵头,彭礼孝、陈展辉及姚京联手策展。展示出来将展出了50多位不同于情况的我国外工程物师和工程物组织历年来采取的夸界实训著作,尝试思考在近现代我国的和移动端网络网隐性语境时以工程物为参考点的往外面拓展中没法避免的工程物学和工程物构思的“界限”、“工程物以外”、“农村生活”等话题。

“CBC♕ Beyond Architecture” Exhibition is jointly organized by CBC (China Building Centre), OBJEKT China Magazine and MADA s.p.a.m. and curated by Peng Lixiao, Chen Zhanhui and Yao Jing. The Exhibition will feature cross-design practice works from over 50 architects and architectural institutions from both China and overseas with different backgrounds, aiming to discuss about the inevitable issues like “boundaries”, “beyond architecture” and “villages” extended from the architecture origin in the double circumstances of modern China and internet.

艺术展览处理理顺了马外运🦩、陈展辉、范凌等50许多施工师跨界融合实行的著作,除此之余,国内国家之余的代表会性施工师——阿诺•雅格布森、芬•尤、黑川雅之、Davide Macullo等过百位原于国内国家、美式、荷兰、日本队、瑞典的施工师也将再次展中盛大品牌发布,集体所有展现出了你们对于施工师在施工之余的设计消耗的能量及生命实行。

The Exhibition collects the cross-design practice works from over 50 architects such as ♏Ma🌄 Qingyun, Chen Zhanhui and Fan Ling. In addition, near 100 representative architects from countries like America, Denmark, Japan and Italy including Arne Jacobsen, Finn Juhl, Masayuki Kurokawa and Davide Macullo will showcase their works, demonstrating their power in creativity and individual practices beyond designing for architectures.


“Beyond Architecture” is a collective showcasing and systematization and a cultural exploration originated♏ from architectures and circling the subjects of “architects”, “architectures” and “beyond architecture”. With the open, pragmatic and flexible mindset, the Exhibition objectively showcases the cross-design practices of the architects without pre-setting route and boundaries, finding causes and effects, or imposing the subjective judgments and conclusions from organizers, initiators and curators. It has transcended the definition of exhibition, reflecting the situation of ourselves as well as time we are living in radiated from the works of these architects. By eliciting the public attention to the architect community, we are trying to start a debate and thinking regarding the subjects of “architects”, “architectures” and “beyond architecture”.


黑川雅之、马清运垃圾+陈展辉(步进马达思班)、阿诺•雅格布森、芬•尤、Davide Macullo、章明+张姿(原著构思构思)、颜呈勋、王开方、Filippo Gabbiani、刘克成、唐克扬、范凌、苏麒、李涵+胡妍、王彦、俞挺、张佳晶、野城、冯思思、陈浩如、陈炯、董屹、赵虹、罗宇杰、吴晨、李宁、胡越、李伦理道德、朱炳仁、李振宇、赖军、冯果川、梁克刚、何🦹健翔、Gio Ponti、宋刚、张之杨、钟乔、叶敏、王维仁、刘鲁滨、侯唯唯、阮昊+来震宇+林经锐(零壹大城市)、王永刚、王晖、张迪+Jack Young+ Ruben Bergambagt(WAA)、王蕾+Steven MA+鲁彬、穆威、吴嘉伟(Arup Associates)、卢志刚、张瑛、吴秋龑、林海、贾力、王灏+陈燕飞、刘昊威、吕永中、文抑(张文龙)、陈旭东、王健、赵虹、Eva Castro+王川(Plasma studio)、王飞、郭锡恩+胡如珊(如恩构思构思深入分析室)、卢志荣、车飞、王蔚、狼桃、何崴

Featuring Architects (in random order)

Masayuki Kurokawa, Ma Qingyun Ma+Sunny Chen(MADA s.p.a.m), 🌃Arne Jacobsen, Finn Juhl, Davide Macullo, Zhang Ming +Zhang Zi, Yan Chengxun, Wang Kaifang, Filippo Gabbiani (KOKAISTUDIOS), Liu Kecheng, Tang Keyang, Fan Ling, Su Qi, Li Han + Hu Yan, Wang Yan, Yu Ting, Zhang Jiajing, Ye Cheng, Feng Feifei, Chen Haoru, Chen Jiong, Dong Yi, Zhao Hong, Luo Yujie, Wu Chen, Li Ning, Hu Yue, Li Daode, Zhu Bingren, Li Zhenyu, Lai Jun, Feng Guochuan, Liang Kegang, He Jianxiang, Gio Ponti, Song Gang, Zhang Zhiyang, Zhong Qiao, Michelle Yip, Wang Weijen, Liu Lubin, Hou Weiwei, Ruan Hao + Lai Zhenyu + LinJingrui, Wang Yonggang, Wang Hui, Zhang Di + Jack Young + Ruben Bergambagt(WAA), Qiuyan Wu, Leirah Wang + Steven MA + Bin Lu, Mu Wei, Antonio NG(Arup Associates), Nicolas Lu, Ying Zhang, Wu Qiuyan, Lin Hai, Jia Li, Wang Hao +Chen Yanfei, Liu Haowei, Lv Yongzhong, Wen Yi(Zhang Wenlong), Chen Xudong, Wang Jian, Zhao Hong, Eva Castro + Wang Chuan(Plasmastudio), Wang Fei, Lyndon Neri+Rossana Hu(Neri&Hu) , Ching Wing Lo, Che Fei, Wang Wei, Lang Tao, He Wei

媒体联络 Contact




Guan Xuran






Zhao Ming




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