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年份:2021-02-24 12:30:00  源于:上海建筑与室内设计师网  ꧒;  &n𝔍bsp;   点开时长:0    


▲远看建筑设计©扎西培楚 在喜玛拉雅山脉东北侧,有一个系列表南方北方通往的山岳峻岭,这就会东西方知名的三江并流的横断山脉中北部。香格里拉,地处于三江并流地貌,做历程上茶马古道的重镇,有差异中国的民族地方特色古文化抱歉汇合融入,赢得了偏远地区别具特色特色古文化特色特色古文化的地方特色古文化大环境。从二是世纪经典初约瑟夫·洛克最后一次将横断山区地带能够 于地球前,再到威斯布鲁克·希尔顿笔小说小说里的净土,香格里拉因而物种多样性美景与民俗风情地方特色古文化深深吸引着地球各区的旅游者来此选择眼里的家园。 In the northwestern part of Yunnan Province, in the Hengduan Mountains, there is a mysterious and tranquil place called "Shangri-La". This place Located in the hinterland of the Three Parallel Rivers, it was once an important town on the Ancient Tea Horse Road. The integration of multiple ethnic groups has created a unique local cultural environment, attracting tourists from all over the world to find their homes in their hearts. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Hengduan Mountains were first shown to the world through the explorer Joseph Charles Francis Rock. In the 1930s, "Shangri-La" appeared in James Hilton's novel "Lost Horizon". The pure land depicted in the book was longed for by the world, and make Shangri-La known to the world.




二30年后,一个叫做白玛的的家庭在香格里拉独克宗清迈古城外老城区开啦1家藏餐店,这所叫做喀拉卡尔藏餐店虔敬的喜欢“在’幸福’的香格里拉,开的全家幸福的店,在等待一幸福的人来”的心理,店铺生意喜欢不温不火为度,诚信经营实际肉类为底。 Twenty years ago, a Tibetan family named Pema opened the first local Tibetan restaurant “Karakal" in the outer urban area of the ancient city of Dukezong, Shangri-La. Karakal pursues to protect the authenticity with care.Keeping the business moderate, and the food ingredients are natural. Always adhere to the concept of "open a warm store in the warm Shangri-La, and wait for a group of warm people to come". 二三年之后的令天咱们期望以白玛·喀拉卡尔的积累为基础框架,塑造香格里拉独有的城市特色艺术课,制定改装一家新的软型地方,一家能让乘务员品偿到香格里拉原是否藏族美味佳肴的休闲餐店。与此同时,咱们个人规划这些地方也是香格里拉客户特色艺术课专家相逢与讨论会的花园。这里英文均可为譬如特色艺术课分享会,人像摄影展,研讨会等各种各样特色艺术课营销行为供给产所。采用休闲幽雅的环镜与多样化的特色艺术课营销行为将人们拼接在一同,感触特色艺术课与历史观的讨论会才能迸出激动人心的爱情火花。

Today, twenty years later, we are designing and transforming a new composite sp🦋ace, hoping to use the accumulation of Pema Karakar as the starting point and the most authentic Tibetan cuisine as the medium to show the regional cultural characteristics of Shangri-La. At the same time, we envision this space as a home for local people from all walks of life in Shangri-La to gather and communicate. It can provide venues for various cultural activities such as cultural salons, photography exhibitions, and symposiums. Serving the cultural life of the local people through a comfortable and elegant environment. We looking forward to the exchange of culture and ideas can burst out wonderful sparks.

建筑改造Architectural Transformation


场所由多部好友分组成:三种火锅店及一二层亭院式商品房。已有三种钢结构建筑工程施工结构为多新年前建设完工,周围的老宅为九多年 所建,老钢结构建筑工程施工结构为10新年前消费者搭建的砖混钢结构建筑工程施工结构,有剖面外观设计与所在位置地技术 生态环境对不上,空间采取低并在夏秋季有厉害的暖和的问题。 The site consists of two parts: a three-story restaurant and a two-story courtyard residence. The existing three-story building is a brick-concrete building built by the owner ten years ago, and the old residence next to it was built in the 1990s. The facade of the original building on the site does not match the local cultural environment, in the meantime the space utilization is low, and there are serious thermal problems in winter.



在一家兼有明显地区性房子经典和文化知识的自然区域里怎么样去 以现今的操作,装修设计制作出本身既具现今感又含有藏地经典和文化知识特色文化知识的区域行态与房子是贯彻項目总是的最终指标与成就。针对这一最终指标,装修设计制作品牌团队也参观考察了香格里拉周边地区或多或少经典房子与再建的评价項目(梅里既回山、阿若康巴宾馆等)。出现异常偏远地区政策文件(片区控规相辅相成面风光的控制的规范)与項目成本预算,让让我们停止了真正针对测试后认定结构的不合适理智提到的修建顾虑,转到按照对房子外建筑结构工程施工立面及车间内区域开展改建的途径,以加入国内本土经典和文化知识共同点并的提升车间内自然区域产品品质。而在整过程中里让让我们试 破除偏远地区针对房子急于追求梦想经典要素与的材料堆放而轻视动用体现性的发展趋势,归队并注意地区房子的质朴、深沉与溫暖,甚至对动用体现性的尊敬。 In a context with a strong regional architectural culture, how to use modern techniques to design a built environment that is both modern and contains Tibetan culture is the goal and challenge throughout the project. Based on this goal, the design team investigated a number of traditional buildings around Shangri-La and several newly built commercialprojects with favorable comment (MSunyata Hotel in Meili Snow Mountainn, Arro Khampa Hotel, etc.). Initially, we proposed an idea of reconstruction based on the assessment that the original building structure was irrational. However, due to local policies (requirements for the control of facades in new town planning) and project budgets, we gave up the idea of reconstruction and switched to adopting the renovation of external facade and indoor space. The renovation increase the local cultural characteristics and improve the quality of the built environment. At the same time, we also tried to break the current situation of blindly pursuing traditional elements and materials in the building and neglecting the use experience during the whole design process, and returning to the basic consideration of the use experience, focusing on the simplicity, restraint and temperature of the regional architecture.




房子外产品总平面图改革按照了藏族过去的房子的门稀土装修设计元素,以及藏式九格窗(藏语 称 格尼)与飞子木窗头(藏语 称 八苏),并用退台行式的窗套打造过去的藏式房子门所都具有的层次感与节奏,各个门窗均按照单层空心玻璃板和加厚形材以维持内保热功能。在窗头与窗套的物料抉择上,让人们用了生锈腐蚀现象折形角钢取代过去的的材质,以消除材质在西藏高原户外周围环境下不耐用度的现象。墙体工业油漆用了淡夯土黄真石漆来制造出过去的藏房的夯土墙的很糙花纹高级感,借助对过去的稀土装修设计元素的当今化发挥,按照在地成本低可调的当今化用材以驳斥本县群众对地区性房子的“记忆英语”。在产品总平面图照明电器装修设计上让人们也是减少用照射点光源而按照底下和凹坑打灯去凸现物料和产品总平面图的高级感。 The renovation of the external façade of building uses the door and window elements of traditional Tibetan architecture, including Tibetan-style lattice windows and wooden window heads, and use of window trim in the form of setbacks in order to create the rhythm of traditional Tibetan building doors and windows. In consideration of the plateau climate, all windows use double-layer hollow glass and thicker glass frames to ensure indoor thermal insulation. In the material selection of window head and window trim, we used rusty steel plate instead of wood to solve the problem that wood is not durable in the outdoor environment of plateau. The exterior wall was painted by pale rammed earth yellow real stone paint to create the rough texture of the rammed earth walls of traditional houses. Through the modern interpretation of traditional elements and use of modern materials with controllable costs we were able to respond to the "memory" of local residents to regional buildings. In the design of facade lighting, we also avoid using direct light sources and use bottom and groove lighting to highlight the texture of materials and the form of external facades.

室内改造与设计Interior Renovation




室内外更新改建的实际需求是要新增选择平数,变动多余特点并提高多余不一理的方式 ,同一上升全局工作环境。在全局特点方式 上,3楼作新发展的环境空間代替开扩对于青春人的新餐饮行业产业(酥油晚上茶、自肋藏餐、网上自酿清吧),3楼选择多余特点(客厅吧台和开馆式客厅),借助懂得调整方式 提高客厅环境空間采取,3楼借助完后理清交行流线与环境空間方式 更新改建为雅间层并上升私人空间以对于传统型藏餐消费行为。 The primary requirement of interior renovation is to increase the usable area, and the second is to improve the overall environment while improving the original functions and spatial layout. In terms of the overall functional layout, the first floor is used as a newly expanded space to develop new catering formats for young people such as afternoon tea, self-service Tibetan food, local craft beer bar. The second floor maintains the original functions (bar counter and open restaurant), to improve the use of restaurant space by adjusting the layout. The third floor was transformed into a private room floor by reorganizing the traffic flow and spatial layout, and enhancing privacy to echo the dining habits of traditional Tibetan meals.



原产品二楼为一楼商辅,而言的时间存在闲置不用心态,人们将固有很大楼商辅修好使一两个拥用了开敞的室内办公空间,在限制于原来节构不能全是拆除墙面上的区域,人们实现在俩测墙面上下班并在用钢制门套充当节构补强,使该部件形成了没事个新的过厅,人们除此设有新的通道充当餐店次通道,并增大卫生防疫间使一两个可充当系统完全的单独室内办公空间在用。实现全新分布伙房外卖配送流线将原伙房销往歪斜与主通道错开,消除了时候伙房销往与餐店通道在时段期摩擦的的问题,让餐店主通道有很大个完全的前厅。 The first floor of the original building was street-facing shops, which was idle most of the time. We opened up the original street-facing shops by removing the partition wall, so that the first floor has a new open space. In the shop where the wall cannot be completely demolished due to the original structure, we opened doors on both sides of the wall and used steel door sleeves as structural reinforcement to formthe space as a new foyer. We set up a new entrance here as the secondary entrance of the restaurant, and added toilets so that the first floor can be used as an independent space with complete functions. By re-arranging the kitchen delivery flow line to separate the original kitchen exit from the main entrance, the conflict between the kitchen exit and the restaurant entrance during the peak period was solved, and the main entrance of the restaurant has become a complete front hall.



在康巴的地区的过去的藏房里,火塘一亲朋好友平时日子的重心。在1楼弧型空间处,我国以藏族过去的的火塘为扮演做后近代的演艺与传达,以逆转藏房里大众围炉要喝茶、围炉而话的日子感,以照应本县公民的过去的日子情况。 In the traditional houses in the Kham region, the fire pond is the center of the family's daily life, and many life scenes take place around the fire pond. In the arc-shaped space on the first floor, we made a modern interpretation and expression based on the traditional Tibetan fire pond, to reproduce the sense of life in thetraditionalhouse that families drinking tea and talking around the fire pond, which echoing the traditional life scenes  of local residents.


原建筑装修天花吊顶板承重梁的目标方向与超高问题更加紊乱,是制定的过程 中没能办理的部位。异常于承重梁走入与超高,再加上会受到经幡飘摇和藏族性许多人铜器的道理,大家的的放弃了最先用铝扣板潜藏的承重梁的感触,在二楼适用材料垂帘紧紧围绕育雏暖风机做向外散发的弧型垂帘,潜藏的了紊乱梁位的问题。同时大家的将垂帘的超高设制由欣赏这向育雏暖风机渐渐减低,在视觉设计上与育雏暖风机的烟罩融为一体合,让面与天花吊顶板板的会产生沟通。 The relationship between the direction and height of the ceiling beams of the original building is rather chaotic, which is a difficult part of the design process. Limited by the direction and height of the beams, and inspired by the flying of prayer flags and the copper-ware in Tibetan life, we abandoned the original idea of concealing the beams with a suspended ceiling, and used a metal curtain to surround the fire pond as an arc curtain on the first floor, by which we were able to hide the chaotic relationship of beams. At the same time, we set the height of the curtain to gradually decrease from the surrounding to the stove, visually blending with the Smoke hood, so that the ground and the ceiling are connected.


二层是原客厅的最主要的自主经营办公空間,也是大多数人对客厅曾的背诵位置。在二层的结构设计构思上让各位尽量用一些永久保存原厂区室内分布。让各位在课餐餐椅的取舍上用于了与从前相等的课餐餐椅行式,此非永久保存其已有的办公空間层面。让各位用于藏族传统型的矮桌与坐榻,其的高度能让适用者位于另外一种那自然的向前倾斜的姿势然后营造环境出亲密感。让各位在课餐餐椅的取舍上用于了与从前相等的课餐餐椅行式,此非永久保存其已有的办公空間层面。吊顶结构设计构思上,让各位则将合金金属筛网垂帘平行面排布,以照应形壮与分布华康的藏式方桌与坐榻。 The second floor was the main business space of the original restaurant, and it is also a to memory the restaurant to customers. In the design of the second floor, we try to keep the original interior layout as much as possible, hence we adopted the same table and chair form as before, in order to retain its original spatial feeling. By using traditional Tibetan low tables and sitting couches, the height of users to be in a natural forward-leaning posture to create a sense of closeness. As for the ceiling, we arrange the metal mesh curtains in parallel to echo the square Tibetan table and seat with its square shape and layout.
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