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中国——瑞士绿色建筑发展论坛 Sino-SwissGreen Building Development Forum(图)

日期英文:2021-10-21 11:25:00  原因:瑞士驻上海总领事馆&n🐭bsp;   🙈    点选多少次:4    



Time and Date: 13: 30, Tuesday, October 26, 2021


Location: Sheraton Wujin Hotel, Changzhou Municipality, Jiangsu Province


Introduction of panelists

赵辰 ZHAO Chen


꧟Professor of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjꦆing University

曾今顺序四次在苏꧑黎世合众国工院海瑞朗( ETH Zurich)建筑施工系进修,也曾反复在意大利及美国其它的各国学术讨论信息交流信息。2000年准备为沈阳一本大学院士,各类工程过去与基础理论科室身先士卒人。

他坚持下去以修筑为管理处的建构区认识论,推行结合起来中囯老式产品传统艺术产业的环保与可坚持未来发展的产品设计的概念与实行。在中囯历程城区传统艺术产业遗产防护与兴盛的工作上角度相应全球的村屯兴盛的工作上中,他的探索与实践操作角度都是有远见的科研成果。他曾获2004年整合国教科文组织机构泛太平洋区县民族历史文物地保护措施匠心奖(一级🎀奖),建成部完善的项目 地质建筑工程设计的2等奖。

Zhao Chen has studied and worked twice from 1990 to 1998 in the Department of Architecture of ETH Zurich and also experienced academic exchanges in the United states of America and other European countries

He per🍌sists in the tectonic theory with construction as the core which promotes ecological-sustainable development

architecture design and practice combined with Chinese traditional architectural culture. On urban studies and country land studies, his researches also reflect in practice. He received the Award of Excellence of "UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards for Culture Heritage Conservation"in 2005 and the Award of china's Administration of Construction for Excellent Works of Architecture in 2006

高辉 GAO Hui


Senior Program officer in the Beijing office of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)



Gao Hui holds a Bachelor's degree in Economics from🐈 Shanghai Jiaotong University and a Master's degree in Environmental

and Development Economics from the Center of International Development Research and studies in France

In SDC, she is responsible for promot🔴ing and managing the Sino-Swiss cooperation projects in the areas of low carbon

cities, zero emission buildings and geothermal energy. Prior to joining SDC, she was responsible for climate and energy related projects at WWF China

张万桑 Vincent Zhengmao ZHANG


Architect ETH/IAUG/SIA & Advocate of Gardenized Architecture 💃


现任 LEMANARC瑞士瑞盟设计首席设计师、中国医学装备协会医院建筑与装备分会建筑规划设计学组副主任委员全囯医院科研小编꧋设计制作方案范文设计制作方案范文复评/评价语科研ꦅ小编常务专委会科研小编

𒆙 20十二年及20十五领取英国媒体游戏施工要闻(WAN)施工装修设计超前奖、20十五度𝄹我国开发工程建设鲁班奖、201六年山东省评选的医院建筑定制的概念师、202一年L0OP定制的概念奖最加医疗卫生建筑工程奖

Vincent Zhang holds a Bachelo༒r's degree in the Department of Architecture in Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de lausanne

(EPFL), Switzerland and a Master's Degree in the institut Architecture Université Genève(lAUG), Switzerland

He is now the Chair Architect of LEMANARC SA Switzerland,꧂ the Deputy committee Director of the Architectural Planning

and Design Division of the Hospital Building and Equipment Branch of china Medical Equipment Association and the Expert of China Hospital Planning and Design Evaluation Expert Committee His achievements and honors include the World Architecture News Award (WAN)in 2012 and 2013, the Luban Prize for Chinese Construction Project in 2015, the National Top Ten Healthcare Architects in 2017 and the LOOP Design Awards Healthcare Architecture Category Winner 2021

侯德宁 Daniel HEUSSER


Founder of VIRTUARCH

结束培训于苏黎世合众国工院海瑞朗( ETH Zurich)房屋系



Daniel Heusser graduated from t꧟he Department of Architecture of ETH Zurich.

His experience in Educational, Industrial, O𒁃ffices and R&D ಌprojects makes him deeply understand the needs of the owners

and gives him the tools to implement visionary concepts in leading projects VIRTUARCH delivers contemporary workplaces and learning environments, implementing sustainable concepts under environmental as well as financial and social aspects

田原 TIAN Yuan


coo of Keller Technology AG. Switzerland

苏黎世联帮理工学高校( ETH Zurich)建筑物结构系博士研究探讨生后,跟哺德♛国项目 科高校博士ETH建筑物结构生物学布鲁诺·凯乐专家教授,特意研究探讨节省古建筑方法论及应用领域。



Tian Yuan holds a Post-Doctorate in Building Technology at ETH Zurich focusing on the theory and application of healthy comfortable and low-energy buildings under the guidance of ETH Building Physics Professor Mr. Bruno Keller, member of Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences

Established in 2000, KT is an outgrowth of ETH Zurich with an intenti𒊎on to promote advanced Swiss scientific concept of

healthy, comfortable and low-energy buildings

KT's projects have received the state issued certifications inclu🅰ding the" Low-carbon Demonstration Project Certification" and

the"Green Design and Operation 3-Star Certification".

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