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Le Coq Wine & Bistro , HangZhou:拿起酒杯,漫游在浪花旋转的瞬间吧!(组图)

时间日期:2022-02-08 21:02:00  来历:RooMoo&💝nbsp;       鼠标单击每一次:0 &ꩵnbsp;  

【导读】位于杭州大厦的Le Coq Wine & Bistro,拥有着正对京杭大运河的绝佳地理位置。每一个空间都有其自身特殊的属性,如同各品类的葡萄酒也会有各自对应使用的葡萄酒杯,所以当我们面对着大运河的“水体”波动时,亦如想象着葡萄酒在杯中的各种“酒体”形态。



Wine - with the state of the water flowing to the character of 🐠the fire burning.

站到环境现场视频的当下, 不仅是哪种型的可能困阻, 几乎都是定制师们不可挑选的, 当然,冲满有立体感即视感的双


◆Design Inspiration / 反复流连的是酒杯里的浪花

地属佛山国际大厦的Le Coq Wine & Bistro,有着着正冲京杭大运河的绝妙初一经纬度上。每一位个环境都是其企业自身特殊的ꦅ的特质,仿佛各项目的夏黑的提子酒也会出现各有分属采用的夏黑的提子瓷杯,全部如果你们面正对大运河的“水体污染”冲击时,亦如能够想象得出着夏黑的提子酒在杯内的各式各样“酒体”基本特征。就仿佛是我们的公司把酒言欢欢庆之际,瓷杯所撞击出的三朵区别型态的“水浪”律动,是为了开发师将性质转换成于环境左右的感觉。

◆Design Inspiration

Le Coq Wine & Bistro in Hangzhou Tower has an excellent location facing the Beijing-Hangzhou 🐭Grand 𒐪Canal.

We consider each space itself has unique attributes, like different glasses filling with various types of wines. While a toast, the banging of three glasses naturally creates three different 'waves' following the internal shapes of each one. We want to capture that moment and adapt it to this unique space.


൲ 为了能够打烂区域三维区域的限制,我们大家寻址了KTV台后边的作品展柜,那就是区域三维区域里最引人注意也是上限的玄关柜,以小水浪的基本特征相对 什么概念,经验作品展柜往上不断延展到天花板必将超出范围招牌之中,而小水浪的末端则当然地形地貌都是房间外的雨棚。无论是否从正脸的视觉图片或侧边的曲度上面都像那节课真一朵花袭卷而至的小水浪,如此的做法将区域三维区域本3.5米的深度,外扩为6米,不只转换了区域上的狭隘𝔉感,时也模模糊糊了室内的外的边界,更多了买家相对 全店区域三维区域休息座椅的使用需要。

The First Wave "Maximize the Space Area”

To break the space limitation, we expanded the display cabinet behind the bar, the most eye-catching and most significant wine cabinet in the space. The wave as the background display cabinet extends up to the ceiling and beyond the door and naturally become an outdoor canopy. This method expands the original 3.5 meters in depth to 6 meters, which changes the narrowness of the environment and expands the space to 6 meters. At the same time, it blurs the boundaries between indoor and outdoor and increases customers' demand for seats in the whole store.



The Second Wave "The Time Tunnel" The metal-shaped vaulted ceiling and the long green bench combine and become an independent space as the irregular curves in the arch, like layers of waves, stacked up. It integrates with the ingenious refraction of lights and mirrors is like a beautiful time-space tunnel. The squares that are asymptotically enlarged from right to left also shoulder the responsibility of a small wine cabinet, increasing the exciting experience of travelling through it. It is the end of the tunnel, but it seems to be the starting point of connecting the stairs to the second floor.



The Third Wave "Twisted"

We have designed the third 'wave' as one installation art hanging in the ceiling - one whole metal piece twisted naturally like the shape of liquid's collision to bring a focus point. The large brown metal sheet seems to twist and turn like a wave, like the repeated wine-shaking patterns in a glass after knocking a cup. The metal device was suspended from the ceiling set up, providing lighting at one end of the part. After that, it became another spot in the space.

◆Site Constraints / 忘却的是现实空间的局限

我局的产品训练场是由钢结构建筑体的斜对角两排有两层楼组合起来而成,现实环境前景上总宽为18米,或许程度却仅有3.5米,在咱们首次踏进产品现场图时,另一视力感就就是一件太长的楼梯口,结构制作现下该怎样穿透结构制作的措施,来解决固有的环境前景局限性,让很多的需求并不会觉得自行在一件步道选用饮食业酒,被选为了更好地目前偏重要的桃战。 与此的同时,在空間制作上,制作师依旧的意思继承了另外的店面装修的主导选址的方法,不依循传统化用餐空間的做发,是有意地将吧台桌与家庭厨房设计隔离叠起。要想将空間通过至比较大化,选址上把家庭厨房设计、VIP包间及清洁间设于两层,音乐迪吧及卡座区则整体结构推进于两层。着手于两层咨询中心座位的音乐迪吧台桌,以蓝山咖啡色手敲不锈钢装饰管吗为包裹面,不但展示台了音乐迪吧台桌的流程肌理效果,如果还勇挑了吸粉的用途,是LeCoq门面房上外呼最重要要的触觉中心点。 除此之上,我也分辨于另第一层铺面和一两层,以安装推拉移门来被淘汰一半的平锁门,让建筑体视觉系统同样运用功用上,大削范围性的界线感。另第一层厨房移门移門,交叉了地下室与户内区间内的交叉性,而一两层的推拉移门,则是引导作用老客户到了VIPktv包房,延展性再生利用了推拉的功用,达到私人空间同样分享功用的雄厚度,同样不不良影响实计运用户型面积的深浅。

◆ꦆSite Constraints / The Limitations of Reality Space Were Already Forgotten

The site is composed of two upper and lower floors at the diagonal corner of the building. The actual width of the existing space is 18 meters, but the depth of space is only 3.5 meters. The entire visual sense is like a long corridor when people first walked into the project site. It has become the most critical challenge for this project. Designers should consider solving the limitations of existing space through design methodology so that customers do not feel that they are dining and drinking in a corridor. The bar is separated from the kitchen located on the second floor. It allows to place the bar at the visual Centre of the whole restaurant on the ground floor and maximize the bar's display and the flow of functions. We decided to use sliding doors to open the entire façade. It allows the bar to become an internal and external linkage.

In addition, designers also installed sliding doors on the ground and second floors to replace the general swing doors. The sliding door on the ground floor expands the extensibility between indoor and outdoor. While the sliding door on the second-floor guides customers to the VIP private room, using the sliding function flexibly to maint🐎ain privacy and display the richness of tasks while not affecting the size of the actual use area at the same time. The overall vision can weakenꦬ the sense of regional boundaries.

◆Material & Function / 浪漫的是功能与造型合一

一束朵的海浪,让在大运♍河旁的Le Coq全部迷人魅力了了起来,但是在看待促狭余地的問題上,不光升级销售客户在余地用上的感觉外,在真正的用上,设置构思师也要求尽也许 实现更加的储酒余地,不光把前两朵“海浪”都彰显了高低🅘客厅酒柜的因素外,大部分的平剖面设置构思都朝西北基本功能模块与新娘造型根据的方向,让店铺的一并,也含有呈现基本功能模块。




◆Material & Function /

However, when facing the problem of cramped spaces, in addition to improving the customer's experience in the use of space, the design would also satisfy as much wine storage space as possible. For example, the first two "waves" are the large and small wine cabinets, and all the flat and façade are directed towards combining function and storage and displaying wine bottles.

To conform to the tone and style of the brand, designers used🦂 a lot of dark (warm) grey wood veneer and dark leather and fabric as the main color scheme. The aim is not only to achieve a relaxed and comfortablꦦe environment effect but also to present a calm and textured atmosphere.

To achieve a comfortable feeling and no-repeat vision on the ground floor, designers use dark grey water corrugated stainless steel and brown hand-knocking🔥 stainless steel in the ceiling to achieve the visual effect of ripples, supplemented by the three "waves" are independent but connected. Designers boldly use the disor😼dered method to present the light in the squares of the wine cabinet, and the random grey round mirror duplicates and superimposes the light, which visually restores the picture of sunlight sprinkled on the water surface artistically. The sparkling waves are also like the sparkling character of the wine in a wine glass. Let people be in it and pull away from it.

Grey bricks𝄹 used on the two floors with random patterns guide customers to each VIP room floor, with full openable sliding doors. The grey bricks are recombined according to different angles and directions, like the water "flow", appearing in a specific spatial position. The upper and lower spaces are linked with the material level to unintentionally form an engaging visual guide. Full-height cabinets for glasses on the brick wall are convenient to store and display simultaneously.

◆About This Project / 项目信息

该项目电话号码:广州 的项目户型:220平方 楼房:双层 商家性状:餐酒巴 用户:Le Coq Wine & Bistro 设定项目团队:RooMoo 建筑部门:上海品尚铭昱装璜项目 有限制子公司 灯源专业顾问:锐梵照明设备建筑项目限制大公司 摄影师:Wen Studio

◆About This Project

Project Name: Le Coq Wine & Bistro – Hangzhou Project Location: Hangzhou Scale: 220 sqm   Number of Floors: Two floors Business Attribute: Dinning Bar  Client: Le Coq Wine & Bistro Design Team:RooMoo Constructor: HangZhou Pinshang Mingyu Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. Lighting Consultant: Rui Fan Lighting Engineering Co., Ltd. Photocopy Right: Wen Studio (重任小编:黑曜石)
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