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日期英文:2022-07-20 07:54:00  的来源:木伏建筑研究所    &n🐼bsp;   打开每一次:1    


本院认为是对深圳兰桅子花园入小区的一个跃层居民楼🦄的提升,我国的淘宝宝贝房从上世际末ౠ近些年亲身历经了20几十年轰炸式的未来发展,兰桅子花园是 早前深圳淘宝宝贝房居民楼的产品之一也见证人着在这段历史上。在现在根据时间间隔的上升,总之别墅最新亲身历经了次数服务器维护、提升,但本身分布设备构造十分缩手缩脚已没有做到新网络的家居业务需求,提升迫在眉睫。

This project is the renovation of a duplex flat at Langui Garden Community in Hangzhou, China. China's commercial housing has experienced more than 20 years of explosive development since the end of last century. Langui Garden, as one of the early commercial housing projects in Hangzhou, also bears witness to this history. Nowadays, with the passage of time, although the flat has undergone many times of maintenance and refurbishment, the original layout structure is relatively cramped and can no longer meet the living needs of the new era, so renovation is imperative. 代为人是业主小儿子,从小的时候与长辈再此住居,大家小儿子在婚后生活居旅马来西亚,小父妻间断性回杭小住。隔代人,代表着俩种审美观和市场人生观的触碰,但并且这位房屋乘载一家庭首先成长发育陪伴的美好生活时光。怎么样在保持固有房屋红色印记的并且关怀隔代人各不相同的住居业务需求,是俺们圆满结束建设项目高考量更多事例。 We were commissioned by the hostess’s daughter, who lived here with her parents in her childhood. She has now got married and settled in the UK, and the young couple occasionally returns to Hangzhou to stay. Two generations mean the collision of two aesthetics and values, but at the same time, this flat bears the beautiful years when the family lived together. How to accommodate the different living needs of the two generations while preserving the original imprint of the flat is the most important consideration in our project.

▲ 入小区市场分析图 Photos of the Community


Break the Residential Pattern and Rebuild the Order

用户生活中饮食生活习惯的改动也让居往区域环境环境的选择方式方法引发了更换,需求对区域环境环境生产秩序来翻修,我局设定我国遵照“适用、建成”的基本原则对区域环境环境来了变更。在一点区域环境环境中,一进门门口入户玄关处我国走动了原始社会楼体的职位,使门口入户玄关占地较为紧促, 也扩大了墙别的面灶房的占地。本身的密闭式灶房转变成建成式,与咖啡厅引起更优质的互动交流原因,称得上了人们款待来访人朋友的一名决定性区域环境环境。走过里吃早餐、发信息、喝咖啡、赏景。曲线形的补偿器梯子与灶房的自由自在形地坪交相映衬, 为整体区域环境环境扩大了自然而然与炫动之感。梯子位置的改动,调节了咖啡厅本身窄小的区域环境环境。 The change of people's living habits also transforms the way of using living spaces, which requires reconstructing the spatial order. In this design, we follow the principle of "Practicality and Openness" to renovate the space. On the first floor, we modified the position of the partition to make the hallway compact and meanwhile increase the area of the kitchen on the other side. The open kitchen is connected to the dining room, being an interactive and enjoyable space for the hosts to entertain visitors, where they can eat, chat, drink tea, and enjoy the scenery. The wave-shaped spiral staircase echoes the free form on the floor of the kitchen, adding a natural and agile sense to the entire space. The direction change of the staircase improves the quality of the originally cramped dining space.

▲ 一层房屋改造前样貌

Appearance of the First Floor before Renovation

▲ 门厅


▲ 门厅


▲ 开放式厨房

Open Kitchen

▲ 楼梯


▲ 餐厅与楼梯的关系

Relationship between the Dining Room and the Staircase

▲ 餐厅

Dining Room

▲ 从餐厅看向客厅

Looking at the Living Room from the Dining Room

▲ 餐厅一角

A Corner of the Dining Room 在睡房余地的清理上,以前打开的睡房禁封闭着作想要卧房,这样一来做还可以置換原始一一二层的卧房功能性,为一一二层小儿子的“酒店套房余地”具备有风险。卧房入口企业进行推拉门厂家设计构思,并用自建房的架构细缝处被称为储藏东西收纳办公空间柜,在消除自建房方位的同時对余地类推的运用。 The open study is now changed into a bedroom. This compensates for the loss of a bedroom function on the second floor and provides the possibility of “suite space” for the daughter on that floor. At the entrance of this bedroom, we’ve designed a sliding door; transforming the structural gap into a storage cabinet, this design solves the dead corner by making full use of the space.

▲ 移门与储物收纳柜

Sliding Door and Storage Cabinet 书橱的大衣柜功用,现在的中国被摆好在于智能电视机图片装修背景墙,与主卧合为一体化。电子琴仍摆好在主卧,与旧宅的摆好区域从叠,让运用者仍会留以前的空间区域记意。 The bookshelf is combined with the TV background wall for television and is integrated with the living room. The piano is still settled at its original place, evoking memories.

▲ 电视背景墙

TV Background Wall

▲ 从客厅看向餐厅

Looking at the Dining Room from the Dining Room 在五层前景的治理上,我就们叩开集成吊顶板时,知道的两米多大的楼顶前景,常见这那部分看上来不会起眼的建造成分会被装饰装修集成吊顶集成吊顶所遮蔽,但企业人为它可能展出现出住所楼顶特点的原史建造潜质,但是在开发时企业恢复、展示会了那部分的楼顶前景及坡楼顶类型。 On the second floor, when uncovering the decorative ceiling, we found a hidden roof space about two metres high. Such inconspicuous structures, which are usually covered by the decorative ceiling, indeed can be exposed to present the unique spatial characteristic of the top floor. So we selectively maintain and present some of the roof space and sloping-roof shape.

▲ 二层房屋改造前样貌

Appearance of the Second Floor before Renovation

▲ 二层休息处

Leisure Area on the Second Floor

▲ 原有屋顶空间的揭示

Presentation of the Existing Roof Space

▲ 剖立面图

Sectional Elevation 第二层北面为小儿子和女胥的户型,规划将没想到的小儿子户型与主卧室室拨通,改为了大家 的主卧室室与起居饮食室(套房子),它是的大家 炫舞心悦的衣食住行面积,潺潺的卫生情况间地坪也与一份的面积规划互为浑然一体,体验青年一批的设计图片所喜爱。主卧室室大家规划了拱型的天花板顶,便于产生了对称性的面积感让人察觉更安适,主卧室室的规划配好女人的设施摆放,产生了了复古的与如今两者的设计图片移动。 The north rooms on the top floor are for the daughter and her husband. The design connects the original daughter’s room with the guest room, making these spaces the young couple’s new bedroom and living room (suite). They are special and exclusive living spaces for the young couple. The flowing floor pattern and the stained-glass window of the bathroom echo the spatial design of the entry floor, reflecting the style preference of the younger generation. An arched ceiling is designed for the master bedroom to form a symmetrical space and make the hosts more comfortable. Our design of the master bedroom and the hostess's furnishings together form an interaction between retro and contemporary styles.

▲ 女儿夫妇起居室

Young Couple’s Living Room

▲ 女儿夫妇起居室

Young Couple’s Living Room

▲ 女儿夫妇卫生间

Young Couple’s Bathroom

▲ 女儿夫妇起居室与卧室间的灵活隔断

Flexible Partition between the Young Couple’s Living Room and Bedroom

▲ 主卧

Master Bedroom


Use Traditional Materials to Preserve Memories

彩夹层窗钢化玻璃板不是个都已经被同学们基本上诅咒的非常复古休闲的装修材料,已前常常用于西式风格东正教堂、清真寺和其它的宗教界建筑结构工程的落地窗上,随后就这样靠拢本县日常任务建筑结构工程和地下室内。房东妻子往常旅居养老在英国,在各自相处后,自己影响在加工里加入黑白夹层窗钢化玻璃板的事物。房东妻子黄任菲结业就于都柏林美学大家和皇室美学职业技术学校面料加工工程专业技术,因为彩夹层窗钢化玻璃板的加工加工由她与巴金工艺美术职业技术学校夹层窗钢化玻璃板美学工程专业技术的何辉政治老师相互合作完工,将有差异文化艺术民俗事物进入的直接与老宅风格相容合。 Stained glass is relatively retro material that has been almost forgotten. It was first used in the windows of western churches, mosques and other religious buildings, and then was gradually incorporated into local common architecture and interior. After communicating with the daughter, who lives in the UK, we decided to include stained glass in the design. The daughter, Huang Renfei, graduated from Textile Design from University of the Arts London and Royal College of Art. The design and making of the stained glass is done collaboratively by the daughter Huang Renfei and glass artist He Hui, who teaches in the major of Glass Art at LuXun Academy of Fine Arts. The stained glass brings in a traditional element from different cultures and integrates it with the temperament of the old flat. 根据颜色夹层破璃一种半乳白色的特征参数,我门分开 在走进来进门门厅玄关和三楼的食品冼手间嵌入了彩夹层破璃,表明本来的相对应昏暗的两根的地方晶莹剔透来,且进门门厅玄关算作房屋的主吃下,每每回家后另存自家门的刹那间就能感悟到某个房屋的良好环境。 Due to the translucent nature of stained glass, we place this material in the hallway and the second-floor bathroom, making the originally dim areas bright. At the main entrance, people can feel the atmosphere of the whole flat when the door opens.

▲ 玄关彩玻璃

Stained Glass in the Hallway

▲ 流淌的卫生间地坪与彩色玻璃

Flowing Floor and Stained Glass of the Bathroom

▲ 卫生间彩玻璃

Stained Glass of the Bathroom



才能这个构思,各位味道到几代人内思考的相撞与静摩擦,但又另一半融合,犹如地上所呈现出来的几种质材的搭配,现在各种却又相互之间互鉴,演变成了奇特的的风格,充满期待这所老宅才能以后载重量这些 较多的情感共鸣印象。 Through this design, we have felt the collisions of ideas between two generations, but they are tolerant of each other as the floor presents two materials mixed, which are different but blend with each other, forming a unique style. We hope this flat will continue to carry more of their emotions and memories.

▲ 原始平面图

Original Plans

▲ 改造后平面图

Plans after Renovation


工程项目名号:兰腊梅园办公室改进 建设项目占地:170㎡ 装修设计基层单位:木伏房子探讨所 (MUFU Arch-Lab) 取得联系电子邮箱:info@mufu-archlab.com 主情境创设计师:胡臻杭 韩雪 大学生实习生:尹靖文、张琪丽 进行进行:袁自兵 竣工验收时期:202一年 关键相关材料:橡木、艺术类油漆涂料 牌子:Novacolor、大金、全能 婚礼摄影:孟庆伟、谢亦伦 Project Information Project Name: Interior Renovation of Langui Garden Project Area: 170㎡ Design Unit: MUFU Arch-Lab Contact Email: info@mufu-archlab.com Chief Designer: Zhenhang Hu and Xue Han Interns: Jingwen Yin, Qili Zhang Construction Manager: Zibing Yuan Year of Completion: 2021 Main Materials: Oak, Art Paint Brand: Novacolor, Daikin, Goldoem Photographer: Qingwei Meng and Yilun Xie






胡臻杭,木伏钢结构古产品工程施工结构材料工程施工科研所(MUFU-Archlab)主特人钢结构古产品工程施工结构材料工程施工师、国内美系校钢结构古产品工程施工结构材料工程施工美学规划史院校培训讲师、剧院与范围区域演艺节目科研者。他逐一赚取西南读书钢结构古产品工程施工结构材料工程施工历史上与理论知识调查生毕业、外国钢结构古产品工程施工结构材料工程施工联盟名字钢结构古产品工程施工结构材料工程施工院校钢结构古产品工程施工结构材料工程施工学调查生毕业学位学历,并曾于外国中心地方圣马丁美学规划史院校访学机会设汁。胡臻杭着力推进于南宋演剧与剧院史、成市范围区域与区域戏曲的科研。其曾与德德绍包豪斯资金会组织推进“包豪斯机会”的联动科研,与法国的马拉盖钢结构古产品工程施工结构材料工程施工院校、法国康奈尔读书、外国都柏林大系校组织推进成市范围区域的联动科研。胡臻杭曾于国内香港国际上设汁科技馆和武汉艺仓美学馆策展。其剧院佳作展演于威尼斯戏曲节、德德绍包豪斯科技馆“节庆总机会”、德海勒劳美学规划史剧院“初现Appia”演艺季、外国Cockpit剧院、国内香港国际上设汁科技馆开馆展、上海东方竹——亚州竹居住美学规划史展等。其特别融入佳作参展商“三届国内设汁展露及共同美学规划史专题报告展”。其佳作获选九州中国人民中华人民历史文化和出境游部全國美学馆最佳共同幼小衔接该项目。 (责任事故编写:水晶钻石)
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