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意大利 IIDA AWARD 国际设计大奖金奖丨融信绿地二期5号楼丨德一天地办公空间(组图)

准确时间:2022-07-22 15:40:00  来自:JYAD      &൩nbsp; 双击频率:1    



Interior design of Yuzhen Enterprise Management Co., Ltd, building 5, phase II of Rongxin Greenland

意大利 “IIDA  AWARD” 国际设计大奖 金奖

工程详细地址:济南市闵行区盘阳路59弄2号融信绿化知名三四期5号楼 开发商政府部门:德一天到晚地工作空间区域 主设计幼儿园计:江晨、施旭艳 进入构思:王振、朱峰、张琪 电气来设计:黄震、谢长虹、郭南星、陈勇 制定时期:2019.06~2019.11 开馆时光:2020.06 该项目户型:3116平米米 最主要的材质:大理市石、素水泥混凝土的土、被动式天花吊顶、PC板 婚礼摄影:张嗣烨

本楼盘流程实用功能分区手机是高端定制培圳学校中介中介机购,10层为培圳学校活动内容室内前景的一款分,11层为中介中介机购的重要工作办工区室内前景。楼盘流程其中包含了对室内前景的多个诉说,盼望室内前景是开放政策的、自由权的、从而开拓性的、分享交流会为重要的室内前景,同样工作办工区室内前景、接代室内前景又还要充分考虑其相对性自主性和议式感。是因为培圳学校中介中介机购所给加盟商的拓展课结构特征,定制将华人经典文明知性优雅容入在当今很多家庭室内前景中。 The function of this project is positioned as a high-end training institution. The 10th floor is part of the training activity space, and the 11th floor is the core management office space of the institution. The project contains multiple demands for space, hoping that the space is open, free, pioneering, and takes shared communication as the core. Meanwhile, the management office space and reception space need to satisfy their relative independence and sense of ceremony. Because of the characteristics of the courses taught by the training institutions, the design incorporates the Chinese traditional cultural temperament into the modern space.

10层为学习培训范围,每项课室里就如同一款自立领域环境环境的包块,深入的掌握教研过程优缺点,所用于半圆形范围。每项自立领域环境环境包块范围内很多款相对来说祥和的阅读书角。课室里排布于有挡光的外侧,围合着前面的多系统电脑共享服务资源范围,各举还可以开始几大过程。总安全服务项目台所用于中导结构类型,从几大方面安全服务项目于电脑共享服务资源范围。11层为价值体系控制范围,通道口前台到访和视频背景就结合了过去星象艺术的底蕴。时间两领域环境环境都是开园电脑共享服务资源到访室领域环境环境和自立领域环境环境祥和的商业服务到访领域环境环境。 The 10th floor is a training space, and each classroom is like an independent module, with a deep understanding of the characteristics of teaching activities, and using a trapezoidal space. There is a relatively quiet reading corner between each independent module. The classrooms are arranged in the outer circle with good light, enclosing the multifunctional shared space in the middle, in which various activities can be conducted. The general service counter is placed in the central section, which serves the shared space from all directions. The 11th floor is the core management space, and the front desk and background of the entrance incorporate the connotation of traditional astrological culture. The left and right areas respectively are an open shared office area and an independent and quiet business reception area. 一二层位置负担有差异 的功用,位置的气质上探寻固定优越性,可全部整个位置逻逻辑关系和技术 标点是不确定性续延的。我国的一般技术 取其精气神一方面的信息内容,不固步自封重要的一般标点。位置含有“行云”、“流水帐”、“星辰”、“漪涟”、“渡船”等技术 的想法,向用户呈现着运行者 “恬淡”、“雅韵”、“服务育人”、“宣传推广”不确定性精气神的追求。 The two layers of space are responsible for different functions, looking for a certain difference in spatial temperament, but the logic and cultural symbols of the entire space are inherently continued. The contents in the spiritual layer are taken from the Chinese traditional culture, which is not stuck to specific traditional symbols. In the space, there are cultural images such as "floating clouds", "flowing water", "stars", "ripples", and "ferry boats", expressing the user's inner spiritual pursuits of "quietness", "elegance", "education" and "dissemination" to people.



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