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起止日期:2022-07-22 15:53:00  来源地:JYAD    &nb🌃sp;   打开频繁:1   &﷽nbsp;

【导读】每个空间之所以被接受,被认同,潜在的问题是一种“模式”的力量。认同“模式” 的作用,掌握这样一种分析方法,脱离僵化的形而上学,能营造一个真正适合于人的,自发地接受和使用的空间。陆家嘴管理局希望打造一个适合于小微金融企业创业发展交流的场所。这个空间是一个小企业的“集合”,年轻金融家的“集合”。


Liangyou mansion Lujiazui financial incubator


China Decoration Design Competition(CBDA)

产品地点:昆明市天津新城区商城手机路611号3~4F 建设方公司的:上海外滩服务监管局 主设计幼儿园计:江晨、施旭艳 积极参与装修设计:程勇斌、李震 建筑机电的设计:黄震、谢长虹、郭南星、陈勇 设汁时光:2014.11~2015.09 放开时候:2016.11.01 工作占地面:7500 一般材料:云南大理石砖、蜂窝铝板、柔性板吊顶天花、U形安全玻璃 拍照:苏圣亮


“地点有信念”是出名澳大利亚地市施工科学家诺伯舒兹提交的施工学区域的价值观,重点而言有一种服务器要不要就能够给在这其中的现代人带来了认为感和归属权感。老子说所谓的“有室的”,这有一种“用”字需要延申看待为是为人正直所做了,不适用的服务器。每次服务器之因此 被做了,被认为,意向的大问题有一种“传统经济摸式”的的力量。认为“传统经济摸式” 的功效,掌握了也许有一种探讨策略,分开因循守旧的形而念书,能营造环境有一种真切更比较合适于人的,自愿地做了和选择的服务器。浦东管理制度局也希望建设有一种更比较合适于小微财富管理厂家投资不断发展交流沟通会的地点。整个服务器有一种小厂家的“整合”,活力财富管理家的“整合”。两人聚集是这一点上,事情、交流沟通会、寻找商业机会,就好比有一种小的区域,有自行独一无二的服务器文化教育,有关键信息共享的有信念。这只是对整个服务器总的分类,有一种有“地点有信念”区域。根据对选择消费者选择习惯于和服务器特殊性的熟知,更好地发挥服务器“传统经济摸式”的意向功效,设计的为整个服务器的再生能力提交多少个重点的相关联现状分析:第一次是重复归纳服务器,使出量十分简单、环通的交通银行流线,对服务器对其进行精准地切割成,适当合理单一移植四种通用规定性的服务器;二是,搜集跃层服务器整个重点的服务器优势与劣势,在整个又“深”又“暗”的服务器 中,插入有一种亮堂的水汽最新“小大厦”,而整个的大、中、小办室室都变回以在“大厦”周围的面积与众不同的单无。 "Spirit of place" is a concept in the field of architecture put forward by the famous Norwegian urban architect Norbert Schulz. The core is whether a space can bring a sense of identity and belonging to the people in it. The word "use" can be extended to be understood as a space that is acceptable and applicable to people. The reason why each space is accepted and recognized, the underlying problem is the power of a "pattern". Acknowledging the role of "patterns", mastering such an analytical method, and breaking away from rigid metaphysics, can create a space that is truly suitable for people to accept and use spontaneously. The Lujiazui Administration Bureau hopes to create a place suitable for small and micro financial enterprises to start and develop business exchanges. This space is a "collection" of small businesses, a "collection" of young financiers. They gather here to work, communicate, and seek opportunities. It is like a small community with its own unique space culture and a spirit of active sharing. This is the general definition of this space, a community with a "spirit of place". Based on the understanding of the usage habits of the users and the characteristics of the space, the potential role of the "pattern" of the space is brought into play, and the design proposes several important relevant countermeasures for the regeneration of this space: The first is to reorganize the space, and use the simple and circulation traffic as possible. Streamlines, clearly divide the space, and reasonably disperse and implant various spaces of public nature; the second is to tap the important spatial advantage of the clamshell space. into a bright and fresh "small square", and all large, medium and small offices have become units of different sizes around the "square".


进气口选择放弃日常的主题图片性后台墙。原工程建筑的斜梁暴露自己就是个儿童意外,也就是个又刺激的会发现。现象的斜梁相交设计,稳定性而更有震荡力。将此页转为其中一个半透的画面,斜梁期间透射U形玻璃窗,若隐若现感受到到明媚中庭的有着。区域期间的对话的英文成为了更无重要性的进气口主题图片性墙。 The entrance abandons the conventional themed background wall. The exposure of the sloping beams of the original building was an accident and an interesting discovery. The inclined beams on site are arranged symmetrically, which is stable and more impactful. Change this place to a semi-transparent interface, and through the U-shaped glass between the inclined beams, the existence of the bright atrium can be vaguely felt. The dialogue between the spaces becomes a more meaningful entrance theme wall.

▼ 中庭

中庭是整体的办公环境的管理的本质,如若整个业务是越来越多风险管控经济创新企业根据的钢结构工程建筑风格情况下,这么整个中庭就的钢结构工程建筑风格中室内装修外公园、广场。整个办公环境不只是的影响上的管理的本质,还的有要明确的功用地位,做为的风险管控经济创新网络加盟商的“大客斤”。吊顶造形仿造有光线天窗的半室内装修外便民服务大厅。也许室内装修美景还逐步一个脚印逐步一个脚印更加完善,但办公环境思路基础从而控制,年轻化的风险管控经济创新网络加盟商的做法机制和办公环境设置基础符合,在实际效果运用中真真正正产生了办公环境管理的本质的帮助。 The atrium is the core of the whole space. If the project is a building complex composed of many financial enterprises, then this atrium is an outdoor square in the building complex. This space is not just an image core, but a "big living room" with a clear functional orientation as a financial entrepreneur. The top shape mimics a semi-outdoor lobby with skylights. Although the interior landscape still needs to be further improved, the space vision has basically been realized, and the behavioral patterns of young financial entrepreneurs are basically in line with the space setting, which truly plays the role of the core of the space in actual use.


与众不同的灯 光经过把控好生产与众不同的的聚光灯工作氛围——清晨通亮的市政现场、夜晚小摊的速溶清吧、大会议厅、讲堂…… Different lights are controlled to create different lighting atmospheres - bright city venues in the morning, cafes on the street in the evening, conference halls, salons……

场所使用的情况 Use of the Place

后来用和多种活動的绘制,在这个范围体现了出它的总价值和意义。 Later use and the development of various activities, this space reflects its value and role.

▼ 品面图 Plans

▼ 介绍图 Analysis Graph

▼ cad图 Drawings

▼ 中小型公共性环境空间 Small Public Paces

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