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期限:2022-11-07 19:57:00  来源地:上海熠彩设计机构        鼠标单击数次:2  &n♒bsp; 





主卧室室视频电视墙面上选择中式古典风格花鸟壁布,墙面上与家装弥漫修真品味却不以当代感。更更是端装而古韵,勾画出出一面亦古亦今的风景如画。 的室内来设计师清晰不愿固步自封传统艺术的中式调性古典调性调性的来设计,并且想让在任何场所,以更加近现代的手法技巧表演中式调性古典调性调性独特风情。想让为本套案例的成熟中式调性古典调性调性调性画出好的刻画。



工程公司名称:张家港锦鲤园艺普通住宅 物业:碧桂圆 设计的构思院校:西安熠彩设计的构思装置 设汁师:高龙 的项目地区:安徽省张家港市 建筑施工建筑密度:130㎡ 最主要建材:橘黄色石板材、磁砖、木制品护墙、出口墙纸 专业摄影大师:熠彩 There is a 130 sqm residential model house, designed for real estate developers to show and sell their dwelling. In this design case, the designer has enormously optimized the room type adjectives to make it more practical, and the living room, and the kitchen dining room has removed some spacing walls so that the space is more open. In line with the local cultural customs, we made this model room into a modern Chinese style, where modern Chinese meets modern, using a large area of white and light gray in the use of color, with Chinese red to show the oriental mood more well. Modern materials had used as the principal axis, and shadow wood veneer and gray marble floor will be derived from the space, leading to a visually smooth effect. The design breaks through the simple portrayal of life and conceals delicate emotions and simple art in the richness of daily life. The background wall of the master bedroom had covered with Chinese flower and bird wallpaper, and the wall and furniture are full of oriental style without losing the sense of modernity. The wall and furniture are full of oriental style without losing the modern sensation. It looks more decorative and elegant, outlining a landscape that is both ancient and modern. Which the girl's room is pink makes people feel warm and romantic? The designer does not want to stick to the traditional Chinese design but wants to show the Chinese style in some places with more modern methods. We hope to make the best interpretation of the simple Chinese style for this case. Project Information 01. Project name: Zhangjiagang Koi Garden Residence 02. Owner: Country Garden Real Estate 03 Design unit: Shanghai Yecai Design Agency 04. Designer: Gao Long 05. Project Location: Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu 06. Building area: 130㎡ 07. Main materials: gray stone, tile, wood parapet, imported wallpaper 08. Photographer:yicaiphoto


高龙Gaolong 高层设有计师 四届武汉10大非常实用青年党员地下室构思师 (2005年) 第二步届中国国五大配珠设汁师 (2005年) 苏北优秀装饰设计的概念师 (200七年) 在职武汉熠彩装点构思局限厂家创办人/构思经理 1998-20五年杭州理工教育高中艺术家定制教育高中教师


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2017年“爱格杯”定制网站家居装修来设计创意大赛考官 20十五大金屋下装修设计技能大赛评标委员会 201多年大金室内吊顶制作比赛考官 2015大金屋独立设置计创意大赛评审 2009.08 极致的饰界-国内 装饰设计的出行峰会会专题讲座演讲赛(郑州) 2008.10 城市地区!意思——2008当今专业人士的设计师们联展(广州 ) 2008.04 《意式裝饰》五 届“四只猫”规划沙龙活动讲授男搭档的 2005.12全球(郑州)国外室外方案艺术家周暨新现代装修设计创刊20年份庆典活动来宾举办 2002.03 21个世纪国内 高等学校美术学学院艺术类规划上课经典的中小型丛书编委


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