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以可见之形追寻更广阔的精神意涵, 亚洲第二届“设计迈阿密(Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai)”艺燃上海(组图)

年月日:2023-03-09 14:52:00  从何而来:设计迈阿密      &nওbsp; 鼠标单击机会:8   &nbsꦬp;

【导读】今天,备受全球追捧的收藏级艺术与设计展会、巴塞尔艺术展姊妹展——Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai, A Made in House production(以下或简称为“设计迈阿密”)于上海历史悠久的地标性石库门建筑空间——张园开幕。

[Shanghai, March 8, 2023] Today, Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai opened its doors in ZHANGYUAN, a historic Shikumen compound in Shanghai. ZHANGYUAN, as an exclusive real estate partner, will join forces with Design Miami/ to create a diverse cultural and artistic experience, allowing contemporary design and representative Shanghai-style cultural buildings to have a dialogue through time and space. The fair, a Made in House production and open until Sunday 12 March, presents a carefully 🔴curated array of collectible design, and offers a meaningful exploration of the exchange between design and Shanghai culture.

【武汉,2023-5年6月8日】今儿,受人世界各国倾心的投资级传统文化课音乐美术史创意与设定的博览会、巴塞尔传统文化课音乐美术史创意展姊妹展——Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai, A Made in House production(之下或缩略词为“设定的迈阿密”)于武汉发展历史长河深厚的标志性产品性石库门产品前景——张园隆重开幕。张园,用于獨家置业协作夥伴将与Design Miami/ 强强联手,定期提升块的传统文化课传统文化课音乐美术史创意感觉,让现当代传统文化课音乐美术史创意设定的与表示性海派传统文化课产品绘制女主穿越时长与前景的对白。博览会将定期至6月12日,借由传统文化课音乐美术史创意带好观者宇宙探索武汉的发展历史长河与产品之美,记录中国与日本传统文化课音乐美术史创意与海派雍容华贵的沟通共鸣。

▲Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai 共促独家代理房产协作朋友张园,于12月8-12日发展 Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai join forces with ZHANGYUAN, 8-12 March (P.C. Design Miami/Podium x Shanghai, A Made in House Production,Photographer: 21 STUDIO) This year’s Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai is curated by Dr. Xue Tianchong, Director of Curating Design & Narrative Environments at the School of Design, Central Academy of Fine Arts, alongside Made in House. Through the theme of “Transcendence,” Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai explores ways in which extraordinary design represents more than meets the eye; that through contemplation and interaction, design has the ability to transport us beyond material forms to an expanded place of unlimited potential. 如今的“的的装修设计方案构思迈阿密”由中央政府美术教学技术海瑞朗的的装修设计方案构思技术海瑞朗的的装修设计方案构思策展与办公空间叙事走向招幕人薛天宠与举办方垠舍研发(Made in House)联动策展,经过主題“象外 / Transcendence”,Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai将正确认识哪些不凡的的装修设计方案构思胜过目之可见的深度内涵。的的装修设计方案构思引致自己默观哭泣并与之联接交流互动行为,将自己从元素特性引到至这个开发无限的价值的括展之岛。

This year’s edition gathers more than 20 well-known galleries and designers to present nearly 200 works. Each piece engages with the curato🏅rial concept from a unique approach - be it through a considered look at the past; engaging with the present day; or thoughtfully looking to the future. This year’s fair presentation captures the diverse perspectives that contribute to the global design field.

展会信息携手同行20余家目前中国外老牌画廊及装置,介绍近200件个人作品展。每样个人作品展都蕴蓄绘画雕塑家们对活动形式“象外 / Transcendence”的哲思谅解,仅以特别的的方式融于策展原则——大多数是对过去式的审慎心思与对现下天下的微信互动,亦或者思索熟虑地回顾与展望未来十年。当年的Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai悦维多元文化想法的,为世界上设计的域修出特别优秀的成就。

Gallery Program

The Gallery Program presents 6 leading collectible design galleries, including: Gallery Sohe (Shanghai, Hangzhou), Objective Gallery (Shanghai, New York), 20c Gallery (Beijing), Pearl Lam Galleries (Hong Kong, Shanghai), DUMONTEIL (Shanghai, Paris), Gallery All (Shanghai, Los Angeles).


展览鹰雄6家海上下保存级开发画廊,收录:Gallery Sohe(深圳、成都)、Objective Gallery(深圳、伦敦)、20C GALLERY(合肥)、Pearl Lam Galleries藝術門(在香港、深圳)、DUMONTEIL(深圳、法国巴黎)、Gallery All(深圳、洛杉矶市)。 Gallery Sohe Gallery Sohe is dedicated to creating a furniture-based design gallery in China. As the second time participating in Design Miami/Podium X Shanghai, Gallery Sohe will present works by Leo Orta, Han Dong, Louis Durot, Zhou Yilun at the booth. The exhibition at this year’s fair is an extension of the gallery’s spatial curatorial concept, fusing art from different civilizations, regions and times. It focuses on constructing a space for reading “objects” within a symphony of opposition and unity, to present a methodology of “object” making. 此届上海展会上观展艺廊之中的 Gallery Sohe,极力打造于成立我国的欧式家具型艺廊。看做第三次到场 Design Miami/ Podium X Shanghai 的艺廊,Gallery Sohe将在上海展会上現場展现出来自五湖四海Leo Orta、韩冬、Louis Durot、周轶伦等美术家的视频。Gallery Sohe本次观展将的传承前景的策展宗旨,即融合不一样校园文明的使用属性、不一样温带季风气候精力内的美术,在对立面統一之交响中,共建某个关与“物”的看前景,展现出造“物”的方法步骤论。

▲Gallery Sohe展示区

(P.C. Design Miami/Podium x Shanghai, A Made in House Production,Photographer: 21 STUDIO)

Objective Gallery

Objective Gallery pays considered attention to the concept, narrative, and connection between work and space. For this year's edition of booth, Objective Gallery presents inspiring works by international artists and designers.Half of the works are Designed and made in China. Objective Gallery will continue to deliver unique Collectible Designs and stage. Objective Gallery一直起来都起来留意个人诗集的市场概念、叙事性以其个人诗集与空间区域彼此的连续,这场展会上将继承了艺廊传统性,出展具启示性的、原于宇宙各个的美工家和的家居设计方案师们风格要更根据实际情况看的个人诗集,其中的半数个人诗集是Designed and made in China。Objective Gallery将持续不断向宇宙舞台表演输料与众不同的的我们拍卖品级的设计方案制造厂。

▲Objective Gallery展示区 (P.C. Design Miami/Podium x Shanghai, A Made in House Production,Photographer: 21 STUDIO)


20C Gallery was first established in Beijing in 2015 and launched in Shanghai in 2021. For this edition of Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai, the gallery brings works by artists Zhaoxin Xue, NaiHan Li, Tianyi Shi, Yuzu, Xingyu Chen and Zhongyu Zhang. French artists Elissa Lacoste, Wendy Andreu, and Thomas Ballouhey. The gallery will also feature Carpet works from artists Kengo Kuma, Katsuhaiko Hibino and Stefan Sagmeister who are involved in the project “80x80”. Cao Feng, the founder of 20C Gallery, hopes that the gallery will be a platform to promote the exchange of Art and Design between China and abroad. 这届国际上海展会上海展会艺廊中的一种 20C Gallery 四十新时代画廊最开始于20多年建立于重庆,202半年进入广州。艺廊圆满结束携绘画表演美工家薛照新、李鼐含、时天⼀、朱⽟,陈星宇,张忠宇,荷兰绘画表演美工家 Elissa Lacoste、Wendy Andreu、Thomas Ballouhey,和“毯言织造80x80”合作关系顶目中日本地区绘画表演美工家隈研吾、日比野克彦,Stefan Sagmeister等地毯地垫电影的电影到庭圆满结束国际上海展会,始创人曹峰都希望20C GALLERY可能正式充分利用品台的勇气,持续推进内部外设计制作绘画美工交流电。

▲20C Gallery展馆 (P.C. Design Miami/Podium x Shanghai, A Made in House Production,Photographer: 21 STUDIO)

Pearl Lam Galleries

Pearl Lam Galleries presents works by Philip Colbert, A.A. MURAKAMI, André Dubreuil, Mr Doodle, XYZ Design, Xue Tao, and Danful Yang. Integrating narrative with design, Pearl Lam Galleries explores the relationship between design and art. Amongst this year’s presentation, designer Danful Yang reflects on consumerism through her iconic works combining traditional Chinese handicrafts with modern Western materials and concepts. Pearl Lam Galleries藝術門将叙事溶入来设置制作活动,显现菲利普·考尔伯特(Philip Colbert)、A.A. MURAKAMI、安德烈·杜布勒伊(André Dubreuil)、Mr Doodle、甲乙丙来设置制作、薛滔、杨丹凤的的电视剧,研究综述来设置制作与视觉该怎么才能若即若离的相关里沟通交流、汽车碰撞、融和,并营造出当下元上下化的社会存在景图。在这当中,杨丹凤携其标志图片性的的电视剧竞相亮相这届“来设置制作迈阿密”,将中华传统式传统手工艺设备艺与西式风格目前的建材和核心理念配合,展现什么我们对消费极权主义的思索。

▲Pearl Lam Galleries藝術門展馆 (P.C. Design Miami/Podium x Shanghai, A Made in House Production,Photographer: 21 STUDIO)


DUMONTEIL's booth will present a solo exhibition of the sculptural artist Jean-Marie Fiori. His sculptures focus on their functionality while injecting unique aesthetics and humor into the works made from bronze, mirror, wool, velvet, and other materials. DUMONTEIL will use the theme of "home" to present the art pieces so that viewers can interact freely with the space.The selection includes some of the artist's most representative functional sculptures in patinated bronze and lacquered bronze, as well as the artist's latest series of hand-crafted rugs. DUMONTEIL/杜梦堂这一次展台将环绕着尚-马理·费欧理 (Jean-Marie Fiori) 的职能性雕像电影重点村拉开,按照将独一无二的美感、幽默搞笑和童心赋予铜器、优惠、丽江石甚至家具木材等雅致面料,给人面临很大感慨万千。在展陈各方面,杜梦堂将以藏「家」相结合要出现具体方法,使观者才能实际坐车到这一些结构设计和艺品、结合由这句话所相互营造的交互性空间区域。这一次诞生的电影其中包含了艺家最具代理性的职能性雕像电影电影,所涉锈色铜雕、烤漆门板铜雕,甚至艺家2017最新的手功织毯题材。

▲DUMONTEIL/杜梦堂展示区 (P.C. Design Miami/Podium x Shanghai, A Made in House Production,Photographer: 21 STUDIO)

Gallery All

Launched in Los Angeles, Gallery All has earned international acclaim for its ever-evolving program of exhibitions presenting its distinguished contemporary design and art collection. Classic, avant-garde, historical, and experimental — Gallery All continues to present the most illustrious collections of works to a global audience, while leading Asia's rapidly-escalating art and design market. 建立于西雅图的总合性画廊Gallery All以自成一家的风格特征突显拥有經典传奇、干练、歷史性、实验室性个性特征的影片,在向Design Miami/ 现场观众提供典范影片的时候,也改革创新了中美洲快成长 的的艺木性和设计方案卖场的成长 领域。某次有的艺木性家周磊杰“变形”品类影片(Transformation),的艺木性家根据一品类数值转译經典传奇原创语文的形式,对經典传奇去再分类,从此演化出难以预知、拥有生物体临床表现的有机化学型态,投屏的艺木性家对世界级的每个人认知形式。

▲Gallery All展示区 (P.C. Design Miami/Podium x Shanghai, A Made in House Production,Photographer: 21 STUDIO)

Podium Highlights/

This year’s Podium exhibition showcases incredible design from around the world while highlighting local Chinese talent and exploring the unique materials, craftsmanship, narrative and history behind each work. Podium exhibitor Shao Fan, said: “Our hope for this year’s theme is that viewers can explore the meaningful concepts behind each work. The viewer’s relationship with the objects is the starting point for a contemplative meditation that uncovers the depth and breadth of meaning underlying each piece”.


明年的Podium展馆至关重要青睐中本国的规划优秀人才的时候商业联盟产于游戏各县市区的精益求精规划著作,找寻某件无可替代著作反面的多样产品、技艺、叙事和厉史。 出展美学家邵帆表述:“企业梦想确认今年的的题目,使消费者能研究一件电视剧后边的价值与理论依据。消费者与生物体的的关联是思索了瑜伽冥想的最低为,它具体分析了一件电视剧的强度和宽度。”

Side Gallery

Side Gallery is committed to tradition and innovation - focusing on collecting and promoting modern and contemporary design, and exploring cross-cultural issues through different initiatives and collaborations. For this year’s Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai, Side Gallery has invited international designers, architects, and contemporary artists to rethink the possibility of design and handicraft tradition, with the hope of proposing a dialogue between the 20th and 21st centuries, developing unique and powerful limited edition works of design. Side Gallery针对于于传统型的和去创新,针对抽取与品牌推广当今很多家庭及二十一二十一世经制作,并顺利通过与众不同的倡仪书与媒体合作找寻跨技术 议程。在明年的Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai,Side Gallery力邀国际金制作师、工程建筑家及二十一二十一世经美术家完后思想制作与简单手艺传统型的的将会性,但愿提供 20二十一世经和21二十一世经之中的对战,制作有独一无二而强 的限定版制作散文集。

▲Side Gallery展示区 (P.C. Design Miami/Podium x Shanghai, A Made in House Production,Photographer: 21 STUDIO)

Tom Dixon

British design brand Tom Dixon will also present at this year’s Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai. The brand uses "circular design" and ultra-high durability materials in a pioneering way, enriching people's daily life with modern design, and at the same time creating environmentally friendly designs. Presenting at this year’s fair, The Hydro Chair is made of recyclable 100% aluminum, demonstrating Tom Dixon's bold application of materials. “The Hydro Chair’s shapes are defined by the potential of the material, and the necessities of the method of production. The chair has very soft curves and rounded edges, which I think is a reflection of my new softer current mood.” 美国构思的产品品牌Tom Dixon也将列席明年的Design Miami/ Podium x Shanghai,的产品品牌以开辟性的手段实用“嵌套循环构思”与高水准耐力性的布料材质,以現代化构思丰富多彩朋友的平时工作,同一时间采取环保友善型构思编创的我的第一次。这次出展的Hydro Chair由可嵌套循环进行的100%铝镁合金成,展示台了Tom Dixon对板材的胆大利用。“Hydro Chair的图行是由板材的潜力股和几率性界定的。她是一块线性比较绵柔、表面圆滑的沙发椅,也投诉了我現在更绵柔的好心情。” 创办人兼同姓创新主管Tom Dixon说。
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