

  • ​G&K新作丨 现代艺术精奢——简单中绽放纯洁的美丽
  • 年月日:2019-07-18 10:05:00  由来:      点开数次:0

  • G&K9月新番 | 上海恒邦双林资阳模板间

    G&K New Works | Chengdu hengbang shuanglin l൩eshan model


    This owner's request is a pair of experience rich,꧋ the artistic self-preservation quite high couple, as well as the hero cartoon fan's son, therefore the designer used the avant-garde, the fashion, the art, as well as has the interesting modern desi▨gn.


    Black and white simple main tone, the most classic elegant color matching seems to never go out of fashion, deep brown solemn, with a dark blue tone of deep luxury, light blue light, the background light transparent warm, hanging on the side of the sta🗹r chandelier, neat and smooth lines, like an artist is full of romantic and fantasy dream.


    Create leisurely reading space in the corner, the mini bookcase on the wall does not need to pla꧑ce too many books, add some ornaments more interesting🧔 scenery, here is suitable for a person to read quietly and take a nap, experience a slow pace of life in the bustling and impetuous modern city.


    The sitting room tea table of similar chessboard and piece and low stool, formed gout one corner, idle feeling yi se🦋nds no lack of also naughty and amusing. Marble background wall USES a minimalist line to create a luxury effect, the modern style of fashion and modern reflect incisively and vividly.


    Dining-room and kitchen park show inside the space that show, droplight and table distant view photograph echo, it is mo꧂re downy warmth however, costly match colors and delicate 💃place are reflecting the detail to the life everywhere.


    Along with the corridor leading to the bedroom, the metal grid is a combination of classic and modern, suc🔥h as the general screen, transparent partition and intimate distance privacy balance is just right.


    Arcs and straight lines are always running through the details of the space, and the series of elements make it a whole. The bedroom added a bit classic element in v෴ogue, refined and dignified contemporary aesthetic.


    The owner🎶 of this room is very artistic, so his room has an American s💯tyle of energy and freedom.


    A cont♏racted and relaxed cor🧸ner created by French window edge, modern and comfortable fashion style, another free place to read and play.

    产品种类/NAME: 遂宁中城/ Leshancentral city

    产品单位地址/LOCATION: 武汉/Chengdu
    物业组织/OWNER UNIT: 恒邦双林集困/ Hengbang shu🐬anglin group
    完工事件/DATE: 2019.6
    创业项目业务类型/CATEGORY: 板材样集装箱房/ Example room

    结构设计总面积/AREA: 139㎡

    我们的团队:徐锴 牛兴涛 李发良 王永佳

    制作组织/DESIGNUNITS: G&K Archit🦂ecture Design Consults Company Limited

    定制负责人/DIRECTOR: Vivien Zhang

    基础装修设定/HARD-OUTFIT: 杭州市巧克力设置外联专员不多集团

    开发开发/SOFT-OUTFIT: Viola Wu

    G&K新片 | 昆明恒邦双林遂宁范本间

    G&K New Works | Chengdu hengbang shuanglin leshan model



    𝓀 此前老板的标准淡定而有钱韵味🔯,标准设计装修风简约风而安逸。经典的的银灰色调,宣染出儒雅温和性的分为,意式装修风的时尚风简奢,精细规矩的极奢腔调,结合得支撑力非常。


    The host of this project is low-key and rich emotional appeal, ask s💞oft outfit style is extremely simple and comfortable. The classic grey tone renders a gentle atmosphere of Confucianism, modern style of fashion, meticulous and exquisite tone of luxury, the fusion of full tension.

    Add a brushstroke strong🐭 color in the gray attune of Confucianism elegance, it is form, also be a heart.


    The light depicts crisp lines, the warm tone of the light makes the space warm and clever, and the rich texture makes the pure space endowed with temperature⛦. Extremely brief grace is a kind of luxury, this kind of luxury reflects the clever thinking of master state of mind and stylist, avenue comes to brief, abandon trifling with impetuous, precipitation comes down to its precious.


    Hanging paintings and decoration elements connect different corners of the whole space into a whole, no matter it is a combination of traditional calligraphy and modern abstract expressionism, or a finishing touch of thick ink and heavyꦿ color, the contrast between cold and warm, complement each other.


    The dining table with the most fireworks is placed under the transparent space, rich in changing copper chandeliers, coarse textured ceramics, elaborately designed plates and ornaments, and the love for life is reflected🌜 in the details, just like telling a moving and loving poem, low-key and full of emotional appeal, itself is not contradictory.

    🥀 简约线段的重叠,演变成带异律动的线段,如安静水面下的水,平静但有着生机。休闲与美学原理的稳定在屋室中展现。

    🐻 The interlacin𝔉g of minimalist lines forms a rhythmic line, like the water under the calm sea, peaceful but full of vitality. The balance of comfort and aesthetics is reflected in the bedroom.


    The charm of urban women comes from their own characteristics and self-confidence, and this kind 🅠of distinct vitality forms the🃏 most unique part in the trend like a new vitality.


    In order to inspire children's creative thinking, as much as possible to ensure the game ac☂tivity area, the room as a whole selected fresh and bright colors, mainly gray, wood color background, jewelry and hanging paintings embellishment without losing a playful and fitting the overall style.

    活动名称大全/NAME: 乐山市学校城/ Leshancentral city

    新项目时间段/LOCATION: 武汉/Chengdu
    房主单位名称/OWNER UNIT: 恒邦双林控股集团/ Hengbang shuanglin group
    工程竣工验收事件/DATE: 2019.6
    投资项目形式/CATEGORY: 板材样简易活动房/ Example room

    设计构思面積/AREA: 119㎡

    施工方团对:徐锴 牛兴涛 李发良 王永佳

    设计制作组织/DESIGNUNI𓆏TS: G&K Architecture Design Consults Company Limited

    装修设计副经理/DIRECTOR: Vivien Zhang

    装修半包设计构思/HARD-OUTFIT: 河南市饼干定制外联专员局限公司

    软装饰规划/SOFT-OUTFIT: Viola Wu

    Glad on designing.  Keep to innovate.


    Joining hands with a team of global interior design elites, G&K International Design Institution has been providing the best design solutions to our patrons with our touches on human-oriented design. The va♚lue of our design team is our versatile experiences, consistent performance.and our unbeatable teamwork; our stable team is an valuable assets that secure.high-quality work and innovative designs. Since 1998ꦗ, G&K has established strategic partnership with leaders in the properties development market, Fudi Group, Sunshine City Group, Shimao Group, Jindi Group, China Grain Group, China Resources Real Estate.





    ♏ ⊙装修半包主案的规划的概෴念师/专理的规划的概念师/的规划的概念师(工做地點:南京、深圳市、南宁)



    ⊙研发管理部🦋创意性主管(工作中地理位置:天津  得票率人需融会贯通英语图片⭕)

    ⊙品牌设计的运营总监 (任务地點:西安)







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