

  • 【禾森设计 杜智孟】挥洒自然宽阔意象 清朗公设绽放风光
  • 时间:2020-07-03 20:31:00♎  主要来源://openworld.tv/talk/in/aid/3846.html   小说作家:本文作者由OPEN修改部撰写论文    点2次:0

  • 设计概念Design Concept

    业主在情境上表达了对原初系色调如暖木色、自然意象的喜爱,于是 依循其想法加以划设,使整体景观具浑然天成的壮阔风光;引渡山水意象进驻公设,突破日常的天地壁构图,採用波浪符号以及相异的材质与色样,最终铺叙出色彩浓豔却宽阔非凡、。

    The property owner is keen about raw colors such as the balmy wooden hue and nature scenes; therefore HOE-SEN INTERIOR DESIGN design director ZHI MENG DU planned the panorama space of a magnificent natural layout to comply with the idea. Set up the public domain of landscape factors, for example, get rid of the conventional patterns of the ceiling, floor, and walls, further, make use of different materials and colors and then transform into waving texture, eventually construct an extraordinary dynamic views of the building site.

    设计手法Design Techniques

    脱出风格框架 重现自然大气
    Depart from the style limitation and construct an enormous natural scene


    There is no specific style of the configuration. The design team exploits abundant timber and stone to layout the space. Both the ceiling and the wall at the entrance are constructed of nature images, and assort with the wooden grilles, hence present the rustic texture of the property owner's ideal design.

    木石边界相交 完美转换场景
    Wood works in concert with stone that perfectly touch up the scenes of different areas



    In addition to the selected materials of the hall, the design team has meticulously picked out the interior furnishings. For example, place a giant log in the leisure area, which becomes a captivating feature of the space.

    And the corridor is built with the craftsmanship technique, not only to eliminate the narrow vision, moreover to create a spacious and vivid perception.

    各色灯源争豔 点亮特色区块
    The multifarious illumination brings about the finish touching feature


    The design team ingeniously lays the lights of square, round, and irregular shapes in each area, which conform to the space function and shape different spatial tones. The adjustable lights can be freely deployed to bring out the charming atmosphere of different situations.

    The elevator hallway and the reception counter


    While entering the hall, the eye-catching colors of deep wine and pearlescent aqua grabs the sight, which manifests the stunning texture. The wall at the back of the reception counter and the elevator hallway fireproof door respectively make use of the imported blue and red leather crafts. The design team particularly takes the advantage of the thickness difference of panels to display the interest of the wall surface, and the peony figure that gives out the elegant spirit in the meantime puts a glamorous finish touching into the space.


    Construct the elevator hallway floor of three - dimensional effect, which is tell apart from the reception hall. And making use of the window mullion image to guide the vision forward to the end of the hallway, well assort with the selected decoration and the special titanium coating treatment of blue and golden hue that excellently brings out the whimsical end view.

    大厅The reception hall



    Considering that the setting of the sunblinds will conceal the outdoor scenery, thus the design team decides to make up the wooden gratings along the ceiling sides, which brings out the landscape feature of the vast space. The ingenious design not only introduces the outdoor sunlight, moreover works in concert with the exterior green views.

    The stone wall is presented with its natural factor, which by means of the surface texture to bring about the visual effect of waves. And the ceiling has modified several times to create the dynamic outline, at the same time perfectly hide the pipelines. Furthermore, the black streamlined secants of the ceiling then become one of the striking features of the space.

    健身房The fitness centre



    The fitness centre exploits tawny glass mirrors that go with the irregular metal lines, which enriches the spatial situation. Besides create the roomy perception, thus reflects the posture of the exercisers as well.

    The design team successfully overcomes the difficulty of the arc frame pattern illumination, and then set up the extraordinary lights of the space. The wooden floor and the warm paint finishing of the ceiling that generate the mild texture of the refreshing circumstance.

    厨艺教室The cookery classroom



    The ceiling of the square grid pattern is equipped with the illumination of upward and downward lighting sources, as well as the recessed lights. Take the advantages of the multifarious functional lights that can be freely adjusted to bring about the spatial atmosphere of different situations.

    The wall surface of the cookery classroom makes use of the Italian paint the same as the fitness center. The pearlescent paint changes with the light and shadow and the viewing angles, and the crystal green luster reflects the pure plain texture.


    The preparing area is combined with the kitchen island, the above set up the kitchen ventilator and the pipelines, further equipped with black iron pieces of different height and width, which creates the dynamic feature of waves. The kitchen island is divided into two parts with a stone board and the imported FENIX countertop from Italy. The intelligent material is convenient to maintain and durable for usage.

    视听室The audio-visual room


    Due to the small plot of the audio-visual room, which is partly underneath the staircases. The design team hopes to meet the specific requirements of the lighting atmosphere, audio equipment, and the layout within around two square meters, therefore, hang up several colorful wooden round lights, hence constructs an unwind area of lounge charm; and the adjustable lights give out sufficient brightness for moving while needed.




    禾森室内装修有限公司 设计总监

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