

  • 【恆慕国际设计 吴信宏】点亮澄淨自然风光 打造旅人栖身之所
  • 起止日期:2020-07-08 15:18:00  来源地://o꧃penworld.tv/talk/in/aid/3851.html   诗人:OPEN编缉部    点开数次:0

  • 设计概念Design Concept

    本案以民宿样板间设计,从旅人角度出发, 採用大量的原木色调形塑温和安定氛围,搭配中性的灰白色系以及简约风的家具灯饰,形塑温暖、友善亲近的归属感,一盏明灯引导旅者在日暮星辰下,洗去一身风霜,卸下一身疲惫,找寻。

    The project is a model house of the homestay. From the perspective of the tourists and the travelers, Evermore International Design Design Director HSIN HUNG WU exploit the natural texture of timber to create a mild and stable atmosphere, and assort with the neutral tone of gray-white and the simple furnishing and lighting, as well to bring about the belonging feeling of warmth and easygoing. The design team goes all in to plan a genial and unwind shelter for the guests to empty out their fatigue.

    设计手法Design Techniques

    木色增温 灰白添景
    The timber texture manifests the balmy sensation and the gray-white tone creates the humanistic implication


    The design team decides to make use of the Platane veneers via steel brush sanding treatment to replace the precious woods; the plan besides saves the rare woods, yet presents the warm and moist feature of the timber. In addition, take the advantages of the gray tiles of imitated stone pattern that fairly outline the scenes of the layering mountains of the mist morning.

    主角放光 配角点灯
    The glamorous layout works in concert with the low-key furnishings


    The design team does not restrict by the specific style, for instance, adopt the light color scheme and the genial veneers as the main elements of the overall space planning. Furthermore, meticulously select the illumination and furniture of the designed feature, so that the glamorous layout works in concert with the low-key furnishings.

    动线节约 家配点睛
    The open pattern and the smooth flow create flexible usages


    The setup between the dining area and the bar counter has multiple functions; the open pattern and the smooth flow create the possibility of the flexible usage. For example, the dining table can be used as a desk for reading sometimes, and the bar counter can be the place for eating while needed.



    起居空间The living area


    The natural image of the landscape on the traveler's journey becomes the notion of the design. Accordingly, the design team makes use of the Platane wood to set up the back wall that upward to the ceiling; and the TV wall is spliced with the tiles of imitated stone texture. The elements of the construction that present the captivating feature perfectly, hence creates an inviting space for the passengers to stay.


    The perforated grille of the living area, besides meeting the support required of the structure, moreover brings about the concise and ordered perception and puts a charm touching of the space. The suspended cabinet above the grille creates the visual effect of spacious and craftsmanship.

    主卧The primary bedroom


    The primary bedroom adopts the same factors of the public area, which by way of the parallel structure of the repeated lines, and further goes with the carving pattern of the door, so as the door piece can be concealed perfectly.

    卧房The second bedroom


    The setting of the sunblinds introduces the daylight and reflects on the panels of the bedside cabinet; and then by means of the waving light brings out the gentle and harmonious view of the unadorned space.



    恆慕国际设计有限公司 设计总监

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