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平介设计新作│戴尔广州设计周展厅 ×体验烘焙厨房(组图)

起止日期:2021-12-28 19:43:00  原因:平介设计    &n𓆏bsp;   点击率单次:420    

【导读】平介设计(Parallect Design)于2017年成立于荷兰,是一家立足于长三角的多元化设计工作室。我们认为“设计”“策划”“方案”这些词其实都是同义词,目的就是“通过设计策略解决一个具体问题”。
▼ 轴测图(图纸文件著作权:平介设计制作) ▼ axonometric drawing (copyright by Parallect Design)


Early Stage:

随着时间的推移近多长时间来经历式经济发展的融于与各位对它的了解,一两个时间的“在于画风”尽管在渐次更迭。刚开始,在与掌柜的学习交流中,各位渴望听过并翻板出她梦想的事物。那么听到的时候中,各位在目瞪口呆于掌柜悲观主义的与此同时,也日渐懂得感恩和了解了她的具体需求-即渴望用最极致的工作场景来载重烘烤与速溶咔啡。她渴望该工作场景不盲目跟风、不浮躁不安,有十分的房间去遐思和给、去带领最研究的精品化经历。无关是奔着速溶咔啡的香醇,亦也是自制香醇的机设备,甜品饮料亦也是蒙德里安美学,也是在惬意的下午茶时光突彼以来的创作实践的灵感,各位需要暂栖彼处,各取要求。 With the infiltration of the experience-economy and people's understanding in the recent years,the “popular style” of a period is changing. Initially, we hope to hear and realize the owner’s wishes during the communication. However, during the process, while we are surprised by the owner’s rationality, we gradually understand her requirements -taking the advantage of the purest environment for roasting and coffee. She hopes that it will not be blindly obeyed, not impetuous, provide enough space for imagining and giving, and lead the boutique experience. Whether for coffee aroma or coffee machine, desserts or monderian-art, or the sudden inspiration in the afternoon, people can rest here. ▼ 垂直面部置图(设计制作图纸转播权:平介设计制作) ▼ floor plan (copyright by Parallect Design)

▼ 淘宝店铺概览(攝影音乐版权 徐英达) ▼ overview of the shop (copyright by Yingda Xu)

天猫淘宝店是“以经验打造当做主,奶茶与美式咖啡辅以”的零售业式经验店,我们大家想以定义彰显服务器特制,培养特别的服务器气息, 以延展性天猫淘宝店构思的机会性,以及将此当做英式富有情调蕴意的扩宽。迈开店后,消费者们会即刻感叹于服务器的大体上性。这样大体上性不只有仅使成品基本特征的打造过程中 改成新一种生动性的触觉经验。 The retail-style experience shop is designed with the concept of “Focusing  on experience cooking, supplemented by desserts and coffee seiling”,which is aimed to create space characteristics and atmosphere for more design possibilities. Additionally, it can also be wished for the extension of French romance. When entering the store, customers will be immediately impressed by the integrity of the space, which not only makes the production process create a vivid visual experience. ▼ 填报志愿系统(专业摄影著作权法 徐英达) ▼ Entrance(copyright by Yingda Xu)

出入口与奶茶企业背景同时利用率“减压蒸馏与崇高”这一项企业背景,为你这个从工作时间延续到深夜的恬静的体验空间带来了了舒适的、吸引女生人的良好环境感。奶茶师在为嘉宾制作而成奶茶时饮食满满而出的醇然清香,定会迸发出往来账户小哥的浓厚兴趣,使之停留,隐约两者之间使人变定义了天猫店铺防御力。 The entrance and baking concept use the concept of "evaporation and sublimation", to bring the comfortable and attractive atmosphere for this experience space from day to night. The food aroma overflowed during the baking will generate the interest of passengers and make them stop, and then, invisibly introduce the attributes of the store. ▼ 平台入口出纳区(人像摄影著作权人 徐英达) ▼ cashier area at the entrance(copyright by Yingda Xu)

▼ 台柜区整体细节(时尚摄影出版权 木子大数据) ▼ cashier area at the entrance(copyright by Uncle Muzi)

柜台区负责着三种用途使用需求,有相关人员调度系统,收银管理,音控,最一般的用途是蓝山咖啡加工和港式甜品的展示会推销。 金黄的突出点的来设汁,为大部分面积内面积凸显1分精致感。来设汁师将甜食这样的目标的企业产品顺利凭借扁形化揉法综合压模复合材料笔直墙面装修长期交叉到墙顶,使一系例的复合材料块面扣入墙壁,扩大大部分台柜,圆角矩形。原料触摸感舒适感,省事经营,同一时间也顺利凭借了食国家药监局的核对。然而,来设汁真令人想到奶茶独有的款式与柔美的芳香,与风格双方前呼后应,为面积凸显画风与肌理,打造了出大部分面积的点睛之笔。 The bar area contains functions including scheduling, cash register, and sound control where coffee cooking and dessert display and sales are served as the most important ones. The golden highlights add a sense of luxury the space. The designer uses flattening techniques and brushed metal skills to bring the core concept into the design, which is extended along with the wall to the roof, and inert the metals into the wall, fully covering the bar and round corners. The material is comfortable and easy to take care which has passed the review of the Food and Drug Administration. In addition, the design makes people imagine the unique shape and soft aroma of baking, response to the theme, and add color and texture to the space, which show off for the entire shop. ▼ 半圆形顶部(人像摄影著作权人 徐英达) ▼ Curved Ceiling(copyright by Yingda Xu)

▼ 节构图示(图样著作权人:平介装修设计) ▼ the little patio space outside (copyright by Parallect Design)

▼ 吊顶前端框架排布(设计构思图纸专利权:平介设计构思) ▼ Top frame arrangement (copyright by Parallect Design)

▼ 土建工程流程(攝影著作权法 陈磊) ▼ The little patio space outside (copyright by Lei Chen)

装修平顶弯折炫彩背景的底部形态出自烘烤升温的环节中香醇气氛连续不断不断“多效蒸发与转化”的环节,以其水渍滴落先前的时而。的设计将类似那些千奇百怪的动态信息诠释于正个的空間,同時上升了的空間的主题词性和分为感。圆弧装修平顶的建立环节特别有意思的,主要是因为注重到铺设成本投入因为,各位沒有进行公司预设的GRG输出模块吊挂式,可是先在3d小软件中敲定每一项个穹顶的中央点和这句话的交集点;再依照有差异的弧长做骨架券;后将骨架券取得联系成的空間网格;后用薄小木条转变成某每个连续不断的穹顶表面上,那些任何是由场所施工人员速腾自动档进行。 The curved-dynamic shape of the top surface design is derived from the process of continuous "evaporation and sublimation" of the aroma during the baking, and the moment before the water drops. The design interprets the dynamic process in the space, and increases the feeling of the theme and atmosphere. The production of the curved ceiling is interesting. Due to the construction costs, we do not choose the factory-prefabricated GRG modules, but determine the center point and intersection point of each dome in the 3D software. Then, making skeleton arch ribs according to different lengths. In the next, arch ribs are formed into space grids. Finally, dome surface is formed by wooden planks. All of these are hand-craft. ▼烘烤区域内(时尚摄影版权局 徐英达) ▼Baking Area(copyright by Yingda Xu)

▼面包烘焙地区的细节(时尚摄影邻接权 徐英达) ▼Baking area details(copyright by Yingda Xu)

烘烤部分与酒柜吧台相对的。映出圆弧形长虹夹丝玻璃, 潜在客户在错过品偿新颖甜品店的另外,还可隐约可见可以看到烘培师们的设计进程。 渗入室内,消费者也也可以观察到烘烤师其它的进行。这儿华祥苑茗茶小编正如剧院的镜框式T台。烘烤师那出众的学手艺,也也可以将奶茶创作阶段作品展示得像这次歌舞表演,让消费者对烘烤的知晓更进每一步。 The baking area is set opposite to the bar. Customers can vaguely see the making process of the bakers while waiting for fresh desserts, through the curved Changhong glass. Walking into the baking area, people can watch the whole baking peocess, where the space is designed like a mirror-framed stage in a theater. The bakers’ craftsmanship can show the dessert making process like a performance, further impressed customers understanding of baking. ▼ DIY区(攝影版权局 徐英达) ▼ DIY Area (copyright by Yingda Xu)

▼ DIY区细节点(摄影师转播权 徐英达) ▼ DIY area details (copyright by Yingda Xu)

特性耐折流失的diy椅子,与全区域相容合。 The curved-flowing DIY table blends integrate into the entire space. 在这位充满了着着快些学习氛围的并且,还充满了美酒豆醇厚茶香的城市,每一家人都能以惟独放松一下自行,唤起于自行的奶茶创做中去。并且,另外还有乐器音乐与美酒豆相陪,也素不相恋的浪漫邂逅,为向往奶茶与典雅开发的用户可以提供好几个个理想化区域。 In this area filled with a relaxed atmosphere and full of the mellow aroma of coffee, people can completely relax and immerse themselves into their own baking creations. In addition, there is music and coffee, as well as strange encounters, providing an ideal place for people in favor of  baking and design. 区域的空间中很多处借助斜线设计造型,且对原区域的空间里不整理且干巴巴的斜角开展了孤形清理,使之较为柔美,触摸舒适性。让爱蛋糕烘焙体会的同事们在如此一来的文化氛围里停歇来,暂离喧哗,享用这时的日常。 Curved shapes are used in the design, and the irregular and blunt corners in the original space are curved to make them softer and comfortable to the touch, which also make friends enjoy baking stop, leave the hustle and bustle for a while, and enjoy the life at this moment.













Project Information Project name: La Douce Patisserie Designer: Parallect Design Project Design & Accomplish Date: 11/2021 Design Team: Lei Chen, Wenjing Li, Nan Yang, Xiangdong Xiao Project Address: 1st Floor, Zhongheng Design Building, Industrial Park, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province Building Area: 134㎡ Photography Copyright: Yingda Xu User: La Douce Patisserie Company Website: //www.parallect-design.com E-mail: Info@parallect-design.com Material: Brushed yellow Titanium, CHANGHONG glass film, Terrazzo, White Latex Paint (的责任我们:珍珠)
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