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游园惊梦 · 梵誓ONESWEAR上海新天地珠宝店 / 平介设计(组图)

起止日期:2022-02-11 13:06:00  起源:平介设计&nbꦗsp; &🦹nbsp;     点击进入每一次:0    



Project Information

项目流程称谓:游园惊梦 · 梵誓ONESWEAR苏州新天钻石金店 Project name: Dreamland · ONESWEAR Jewelry store in Shanghai XINTIANDI 规划方:郑州平介古建筑规划行政会计事务所 Designer: Shanghai Parallect Architecture Design Studio 楼盘成功年度:2023年9月 Project Accomplish Date: 7/2021 工作否则人:黄迪 Team Leader: Di Huang 设计的管理团队:肖明峰,黄迪,刘丰迪,孙颖 Design Team: Mingfeng Xiao , Di Huang, Fengdi Liu, Ying Sun 活动地址查询:南京新世界万物 Project Address: Shanghai XINTIANDI 合作共赢方:东莞重塑设计 Partners: Suzhou Re-design Studio 建筑设计适用面积:171㎡ Building Area: 171㎡ qq邮件:di.huang@parallect-design.com E-mail:  di.huang@parallect-design.com


As the flagship store of the brand, ONESWEAR Jewelry chose the store location in the Xintiandi business district which representative in the center of Shanghai. The Shikumen building of the Xintiandi retains the historical façade but the interior has been rebuilt with stylish design and has a new look. Build a new world in an old building, and tell old stories with new shapes. The brand hopes to combine the fashion and pioneer brand temperament with classy vintage style. The designer uses retro-futuristic techniques to organically integrate above two styles. The spark of cyberpunk from the collision of tradition and future ignited this “Dreamland” Journey. ▼昭示面,The main facade

主题:游园惊梦, Theme: Dreamland

“情不道所起,一往而深,生者能能死,死能能生,在梦里之情,纵然非真。” ——汤显祖《牡丹花亭》题记 "Love doesn't know where it starts, and it goes deep. The living can die, and the dead can live. Why is the love in a dream not real?" ——The inscription of "The Peony Pavilion" by Xianzu Tang 《游园惊梦》看作《牡丹花亭》的著名品牌重点之中,其剧情耳熟能详。我们公司取其做梦游园和恋人相会的古典音乐风格意象,投射到余地内的二组配置中,将典型的的传统文化文化整体上企业形象以意式的手法转译为新的视觉绘画艺术整体上企业形象,以未來音乐风格的质地授予传统文化文化奖品清楚却不熟悉的层次感,去演化三段含带未來设计的经典爱情剧情。整体上方式 以二组视觉绘画艺术配置为中间,明显余地内容主题和剧情感。 " Dreamland " is a famous aria of "The Peony Pavilion" with the household story. We took the classical imageries of the Dreamland that dream journey and lover meeting. And mapped them into three installations in the space. We translated the typical traditional image into a new artistic imagery with modern methods to make familiar traditional objects unfamiliar with futuristic materials and texture to interpret a classic story with a futuristic atmosphere. The overall layout is centered on three art installations that highlighting the theme and story of this space. ▼应用场景观感中心的打造环境空间字段,Constructing space sequence based on visual center

引路者, The Guide

石狮大多数以守门人的个人形象发生。这儿则作梦乡引路人的职业摆到“别墅庭院”大门口;另外,松树盆栽在那里特指抽象化的“园”,其搭档恰好是在梦中游园的半封建社会。.我将傳統粗旷的石狮与轻巧灵韵十足盆栽草本植物解构,以赛博朋克语境下的末来感板材与细节描写来重译。 Stone lion usually represents doorkeeper. Here, the stone lion stands at the entrance of the "garden" as the guide of the dream; at the same time, the pine bonsai refers to the abstract "garden". The combination of them is the beginning of this dream journey. We de-structure the traditional heavy stone lion and the light and flexible bonsai plant, then recompiled with futuristic materials and details by using cyberpunk language. ▼平衡装置“引路者”:慨念转换, Installation “The Guide”: concept generation

▼传动装置“引路者”:的成品指标, Installation “The Guide”: the finished product parameters

部件顶级以裁剪甲胄新娘造型形容,刷脸运用化学镍技艺设备的磨砂反射强度球体,与金属质pcb板管、充气式囊、外置天线机件等有钱自动化感的“面部轮廓”切合;脖脖子圈变为数圈线材,挂着企业鲜明的口服液耳环盒,并拓展到后背的松枝上;体则运用安全玻璃弹性纤维3d打印技术图片技艺设备局部压合。石师子后背的墨绿色松枝用led灯管监管做成镭射激光手术松枝,切合连入的线材,建造了能量光效。 The head of installation is shaped as armor; the face is a mirror reflection sphere with electroplating process and combined with the technical "facial features" by metal component tube, airbag, antenna parts, and so on; the neck collar is changed to a few rounds of cable with the unique capsule ring box of the brand and extends to the pine branches behind; and the body is integrally formed by the glass fiber 3D printing process. The green pine branches behind the stone lion are made into laser type and create power efficiency from the combination with the connected cable. ▼器 “引路者”整体细节:石小狮子与松枝, Installation “The Guide” detail: stone lion and pine branches

大体的磨砂铝合金层次感与电量的使用驱动下载化学元素是对复古风之后理性主义休闲风的选用,传统文化与之后稳定具有又暗含社会认知上的分明反差,产生不相似的鲜活感。 The overall mirror metal texture and power drive elements are the application of retro futurism style. The traditional and future harmoniously exist with a clear contrast which bringing freshness.

表演者, The Performer

身披旗袍装待着魅力妆容图片的女男歌星是指着蓬勃发展精美绝伦的老沪,而老唱片乐器音乐播放的一首歌恰是那些时间最潮流的响声。一个与此同时期极高时间性的意象完美融合在一起,设施以复古的表寅者的人物形象现身在这一次游园做梦。歌姬咿呀的歌唱和老款唱片待着直流电压的乐器音乐声纺织,扛起下一场有趣演艺。 Songstress in cheongsam with beautiful makeup can represents prosperous and sophisticated old Shanghai. Music on old records is the most popular sound of the time. Combining two contemporary imageries, the installation presents as a retro performer in this dream journey.  The singing of the songstress and the electric sound of the old records make up a wonderful performance. ▼传动装置“舞台表演者”:性质产生, Installation “The Performer”: concept generation

▼配置“舞蹈表演者”:半成品性能参数, Installation “The Performer”: the finished product parameters

自己截取出女大佬和老唱片的主要表现样貌,将人體和唱片来进行相互交错与提取,在唱片的切开下歌姬表出现切割的样貌,如同行将散去却还是稳定着舞蹈表演的状态,更就像是一次一阵子的之境中不真识的影像系统。亮面金属材质漆手感不使安装整个表出现未来十年技术感,而努力实现身周重叠优秀的强弱唱片可是是赛博歌姬的电子器材曲库,终归是她之境中生机勃发的表现欲。 We extracted the typical images of songstress and old record, then interlace and separate the human body with the records. The songstress presents a broken image with cutting of the records as if she was about to dissipate but still maintained her performance posture which was more like an unreal image in a dream. The bright metal paint texture makes the whole installation show a sense of future science and technology. The records with mixed sizes that cross and protrude around the body represent the electronic music library of the cyber singer, also smybolize her vigorous desire of expression in this dream journey. ▼美工仪器:表现者, Artistic Installation: The Performer

▼安装“表寅者”环节:赛博歌姬与唱片, Installation “The Performer” detail: cyber songstress and old records

记录者, The recorder

留声机,备案说话声也视频播放说话声。经典留声机的生动普通含带一些大的音响汽车喇叭状音响,我们都将其备案并回放的能力素质作为一个意象与音响汽车喇叭的外观造型搭配在一并,着力打造好几回些梦魔的备案者平衡装置,将这次更新没法思议的出游静静地印刻掩藏放进去。 Phonograph can record sound and play sound. The image of the traditional phonograph usually has a huge trumpet-like loudspeaker. We combine its recording and playback ability as an imagery with the shape of the speaker to create a dream recorder installation which silently imprinted and collected this incredible dream journey. ▼配置“记录表者”:定义提取, Installation “The Recorder”: concept generation

▼装置设备“计录者”:的成品性能指标, Installation “The Recorder”: the finished product parameters

我在金典的嗽叭印象条件努力上进行时空扭曲规则化,导致一两个绵软的硕大“留声机”,霎那间弯曲溶化的铜网外观非凡日常化这光怪陆离的梦镜中。器设计造型采用了3D复印机加工过程,返光的轻金属漆外表面带给有一些疏离感,硕大的大小而且将意象绚丽化,将成为一两个记录时间者,静静落实自家的岗位责任。 We distorted and reconstructed the classic trumpet-like loudspeaker to form a soft giant "phonograph". The deformed and melted appearance was perfectly blended into this bizarre dream. The installation modeling adopts 3D printing process with the reflective metal paint surface which brings some sense of alienation. The enormous volume exaggerates the image that makes it becoming a recorder and silently fulfilling its duty. ▼视觉艺术传动装置:统计者, Artistic Installation: The Recorder

▼部件“信息者”细致:高音喇叭, Installation “The Recorder” detail: trumpet-like loudspeaker

真人真事物的编造艺术形象在在梦里引路、吟唱、纪录,现世的爱人在复古休闲与明天的交叠感里还同参观,达成这那场赛博“游园惊梦”。 The fictional image of the real things lead, sing and record in the dream. The lovers of the present world travel together in the staggered sense of retro and future to complete this "Dreamland” journey.

平面布局, Layout

场所建在新的天地间家具卖场三楼,是一个扶手电梯过来第一个得到的位子,整体的呈L形。长总平面图可以冲着走郎和扶手电梯,是最佳体现面,圆满成章的设有为橱窗和主出口;出口处后面的立柱邮包上方形LED手机屏幕,减弱了立柱对出口的隔墙柜,使五彩的动图推广图象变成 视觉设计制作核心。短总平面图外是去往家具卖场内勤目标方向的铁路交通房间,设计制作上减轻了体现系统模块,现在围合招待工作区的墙顶后,其他总平面图地区开放政策与主出口连接起来,变大了出口,传入爱美者的视野和流线,较好的体现内外部房间和美术平衡系统设计。店内以美术平衡系统设计为核心,外围阵列着展示柜和招待工作台等系统模块区,将国产品牌的先锋先锋人格魅力和旗舰机店的美术内容突突显来。 The L-shaped site is located on the second floor of Xintiandi Shopping mall which is the first store seen on the escalator. The long facade is directly facing the corridor and escalator as the optimal display position and is arranged as the main entrance and show window. The column in the middle of the entrance is wrapped with a circular LED screen which reduce the presence of the column and makes the colorful dynamic advertising image become the visual center. The short facade reduces the display function because it faces to traffic space for logistics of the mall. In addition to the wall enclosing the reception area, the other part of this side is open and connected with the main entrance. It expands the whole entrance and introduces the customer's sight and movement line inside the store. It also better displays the internal space and art installation. The store is centered on art installations which are surrounded by functional areas such as display cases and reception desks. It highlights the pioneer spirit of the brand and the art theme of this flagship store. ▼以保护装置为学校的表面战略布局, The plan layout centered on the installations

▼直对自动扶梯的长立面图, The long façade facing the escalator

▼半盛开的短总平面图, Semi-open short facade

空间展示, Space display

从闸道六路观光展览区,错落的挂墙作品展示柜制作与有规律的入墙作品展示柜制作彷佛一款 个圆形摄像镜头展览着光鲜娇美的奢侈品金饰。 Visiting the exhibition area from the entrance all the way, display cabinets are scattered on the wall and regular in the wall. They are like some square lenses displaying bright and beautiful jewelry. ▼店内展示英文区:从双面展示柜到墙面装修展示柜, Exhibition area: vertical and wall display cabinets

▼错落的挂墙陈列柜与茶叶品牌logo, Display cabinets and brand logo are scattered on the wall

L形用户实物,接代区的一整片堆叠的折面合金材料板图片背景墙画拥有厂区室内装修空間的一小部分新亮点。外观上,随着顶楼是阶梯性性坐席电影院,堆叠的合金材料板相呼应了天花板吊顶板吊顶的阶梯性性模样;视野上,积极向上垒叠的层板改废了最初的高斯模糊焦躁感,将目光从墙身教育引导向天花板吊顶板吊顶,转而福射向一小部分店内空間;选用上,磨砂不锈钢管全反射现象使厂区室内装修空間显的宽广,大户型面积合金材料板的动用带领在未来先鋒的之感,而方面变化无常的折面将最初流畅相连的映射捣碎,营造环境出是一种灵动的不真是感,充足空間现象的一起也顺应空間话题的“惊梦”是因为。与此基本知识上,将国际品牌logo制作磨砂纸贴附在磨砂合金材料的上,是亮面与哑光面的反常规差距。 Inside the L-shaped store, the reception area has a background wall with laminated metal plates that becomes a highlight of the interior space. In terms of shape, because the upstairs is a step-seating cinema, the folded metal plates respond the step-shape of the ceiling. In terms of vision, the upward laminates reduce the original ceiling oppression and guide the sight from the wall to the ceiling then radiating to the entire store space. In terms of material selection, the reflection of mirror stainless steel makes the interior space more wide-open. The large area of metal plates shows future pioneer spirit. The angle of the changeful folding surface cut the clear image in mirror and create the sense of exaggerated unreality which not only rich the entire space but also reach the "dream" theme of the space. On this basis, matte stickers of the brand logo are attached to the mirror metal layers that become unusual material contrast of glossy and matte surface.
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