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游园惊梦 · 梵誓ONESWEAR上海新天地珠宝店 / 平介设计(组图)

起止日期:2022-02-11 13:06:00  原因:平介设计        超链接每一次:0 &ꦿnbsp;  

▼折面的顺序排列近期走势与磨砂logo的成效, The arrangement trend of folded surface and the effect of matte logo stickers

▼鏡面不銹钢折面背景图案墙, Mirror stainless steel folding background wall

整一个室内装修的环境的原料都偏冷硬,与将来注意的科技公司感和疏离感更贴合机。红色的哑光地坪漆、仿白水泥凹凸感的外墙肌理漆、高射线的鏡面不锈钢用料,纯红色的天花吊顶吊顶板,、闪光的动态陈列柜安全玻璃,其他用料在亮与暗、深与浅、均匀与滑的相对较中摩擦、切合,最终和谐温馨的融为合二为一。而橱窗展柜制作支吊架、室内装修的地坪漆与管理传动部件的区域都运用了拟合曲线化学元素来氧化环境和传动部件大面积运用不锈钢和红色所需来的冷硬感,也拉远和人环境的差距,对客户更显朴实。 The material of the whole interior space is cold and hard, which fits the futuristic sense of technology and alienation. Grey matte floor paint, cement-like wall texture paint, highly reflective mirror stainless steel, pure black ceiling, and shiny display cabinet glass, all these different materials collide and combine in the contrast between bright and dark, deep and shallow, smooth and rough, and finally harmonious integration. Curving elements are used to soften the space and counteract the cold and hard sense from large area of metal and gray in the store and on the installations. That also reduces the distance between people and the space and makes the store friendly to the guests. ▼橱窗内的的身材曲线叠层三角架, Curvilinear laminated bracket in show window

▼连绵不断的路面身材曲线与安装区别, Meandering ground curve and partition of installation


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相关新闻 社会新闻的关键字搜索: 平介设计制作,梵誓ONESWEAR南京新盛世珠宝首饰店,购物商城室内空间
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