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年份:2022-04-20 18:58:00  主要来源:AFFD设计事务所  ꧒;     🐬; 点开机会:0    



国内北部的朗香大教堂,是他将采光借助到极佳的封古魔作,房屋物的三维空间的内部由采光的明暗交重开始神之而轻灵。 "Architecture is a play of shapes in light that are correct, superb, and yet magical." -Le Corbusier The Church of Longchamps in eastern France is a masterpiece of his use of light, where the interior of the building is made sacred and ethereal by the interplay of light and dark.

高志强引导AFFD开发的业务所实现的5月新番联电时代国际办公楼集齐展厅开发开发的,圆满地解读了光照的妙用对他所缔造性提交的“地方情趣”的高级。 The new LD International co-working collection showroom design by AFFD led by Zhiqiang Gao is a perfect illustration of the sublimation of the use of light to his groundbreaking concept of 'space emotion'. 区分于传统式而单调性的智慧类服务体现策略,联电国际性的设计的,用光源精妙地疏导出了一大条跃动而理智的布局,移景换景式的行走在可以让你赋予浪漫情调而又绵长的使用,在饱满圆润的个人空间情绪化中能够充分感慨服务的奇妙。 Unlike traditional and monotonous displays of intelligent products, LD International 's design uses light to delicately guide a dynamic and sensual line of movement, allowing you to have a romantic and long-lasting experience, fully experiencing the beauty of the products in the full mood of the space.

高志强是当今现实极权主义家居风格的人生理想现实极权主义者。 在联电国际上辦公室java集合展区定制中,他无暇坚决贯彻了勒·柯布西耶“实打实先进的建造是追求梦想很多高效率的建造”这些经营理念,将任一寸房间的巧用做了奢华。在做到房间合理性巧用的同样,是怎么让辦公室区域性划分和显示区域性划分合二为一,无暇地嵌合在指定片房间里,同样全面巧用灯光作为一个定制营养元素,是高志强“野心”下面期冀的一石三鸟“奢靡”的定制发展目标。 Gao is an idealist of modernist style. In the design of the LD International l co-working collection showroom, he perfectly implemented Le Corbusier's concept that "truly great architecture is architecture in the pursuit of modern efficiency", making the best use of every inch of space. The optimal use of space, the integration of office and exhibition areas into one space, and the use of light as a design element, are the three levels of 'luxury' design vision desired by Gao.

“时间间隔永远永远分叉,相连无数次的将”, 如博尔赫斯《小路分叉的花苑》所讲的一样 ,高志强但愿凭借进来处的空间布局切分,将你注入无限小的未找到的场域想像中,时也结束了办公场所区与体现区的节省过渡。 "Time bifurcates forever, leading to an infinite future". As Borges' "The Garden of Forking Paths " says, Gao hopes to use the division of the dynamic line at the entrance to introduce you to an infinite and unknown field of imagination, and at the same time complete a reasonable diversion between the office area and the exhibition area. 迈入联电全国金,高志强在实用性强与体验感区间内考量后续,如此规地去丢了迎宾前台人员,用途了欧科格外的圆球形光束室内照明灯具,与联电全国金的该品牌墙遥相相呼应,波光粼粼的体验,将本来的反射光过低的在口中稀奇古怪地和转化了为极致诱惑而精妙的地域。 Stepping into LD International, after weighing up the practicality and experience, Gao unconventionally removed the welcome reception desk and applied OUKE's special spherical light fixtures, echoing LD International 's brand wall, with a sparkling effect that wonderfully transforms the otherwise poorly lit entrance into a sexy and subtle zone.


“有块种神秘人物你没法hold,你必须当做旁听者者的人物角色”,但人民对错误的凡事自始至终充斥无限的生命的进化的盼望,高志强不远万里将永诺新产品显示台设汁为的“外太空舱工作台”,提供给有限公司环境外的无垠广阔的想象一下。 01/ River of Light and Shadows "There is a mystery you cannot master, you can only play the role of a spectator", but people are always full of the desire to explore the unknown, and Gao has purposely designed the Yongnuo product showcase as a "capsule console", giving a boundless and open imagination outside the limited space.

“运营台”的背部为曲线式样,能让当实力的不同的太阳光打在上端时,光和影变的效用更很深,与吊顶的雾面厚钢板一切,让太阳光在这些片面积里持续以各样办法跳出映射。 The backside of the "console" has a folding pattern, which makes it possible for the light and shade to change more clearly when different levels of light hit it, and together with the mirrored steel plates on the top, allows the light to jump and refract in various ways in this space.

丢掉了呆板水平线的商品风采展示的方式,圆形带状的半三维立体展台模型实际上美观性刺激,也为一并接待处多个消费者留出了充分的的站环境空间。不仅而且,高志强还不远万里为商品风采展示台布置了“感觉环”向勒·柯布西耶的“房子感觉游戏键盘”悼念。 Instead of a stagnant flat display, the semi-dimensional booth with a circular band is not only aesthetically pleasing and innovative, but also allows ample standing space for multiple clients at the same time. In addition, Gao has set up a 'colour ring' for the stand in tribute to Le Corbusier's 'keyboard of architectural colours'. 确认空間其实质就增加知名品牌动态展示体验度,确认设汁让预决算的用到找见绝佳措施,高志强委婉地将以及自动化护肤品与各不相同攻击速度特性的空間相嵌,保证做到了严丝合缝的功用联接。 Through the space itself to enhance the brand display experience, and through the design to find the best solution for the use of budget, Gao cleverly nested various smart products with different attributes and characteristics of the space to achieve a seamless functional docking.

西面任务栏图标,潜心预留了六扇二三层的亨特道格拉斯多职能窗饰,让智力窗的分享大气而不露印记,非常多紫外线的流入进一步提高了分享区的不断深化层面感。 The southern window, carefully pre-embedded with six three-panel Hunter Douglas multi-purpose window trims, allows for an elegant and unobtrusive display of smart windows, and the entry of a large amount of light enhances the sense of depth and hierarchy in the display area. 为凸显窗饰这种的组织形式金属质感和冷暖色调节拍,窗口旁边的设定刻意削弱以凸显窗纱这种。二层并行处理铁轨的设定显示出窗纱操纵的情况下光线问题的“转变莫测”,可不能够即时给大家首现两场场秘密绝漂亮光和影秀。年会室与展示厅的全玻璃纸活动隔断也可不能够使其可不能够多方面利用爆晒闯进来的自然环境光,若必须要私密办公空间,可不能够即时升空吊顶墙壁内留出的隐型窗纱。

In order to emphasise the formal texture and colour rhythm of the window treatments themselves, the design around the windows is minimised to highlight the curtains themselves. The three-tier parallel track set-up allows for the "unpredictability" of light under the control of the curtains, allowing for a mysterious and beautiful light show at any time. The fully ಌglazed partition between the meeting room and the showroom also allows for the full use of direct natural light, and if privacy is required, invisible curtains can be dropped from the ceiling at any time.

例会室专业订制了用帘的面料组合公式而成的风采展示的面版,仿似一个现时代技术,跃动的绚丽会的提升显得严谨威严的例会节日气氛,发挥無限的創意与戏剧性。 The meeting room has been customised with a display panel made from a combination of curtain fabrics. Like a contemporary artwork, the vibrant colours break through the serious atmosphere of the meeting and inspire creativity and inspiration.


All the luminaires in the display area are from the German lighting brand OUKO. OUKO's systematic approach to light follows the laws of light and is designed for a variety of applications, allowing different levels of illumination to be used to outline spaces and objects. The luminaires have been carefully selected to match the form and use of each space and to showcase the latest technology of OUKO products in the most comprehensive way.

照句贝聿铭所言“让自然光来做方案构思”。高志强也坚守光本身就就会属于方案构思事物,是建筑结构的第四步角度。 As I.M. Pei said, "Let the light do the designing". Gao also insists that light is a design element in itself, the fourth dimension of architecture. 主展台的充沛点光源被他以多种多样具体方法机遇各个区域空间:顺利通过透光的竖纹夹层玻璃同时射在过道的圆弧的墙壁上,做好环境光建成了轻轻的水纹光和影;在居家展示出区出口安装的博古架结构类型的电动伸缩窗纱,则不错指导光的发展方向,将其机遇房间内,加工理所当然光的明暗转化。 The abundant light from the central showroom is brought into the different spaces by him in various ways: through the light-transmitting vertical grain glass directed onto the curved walls of the corridor, which together with the lighting creates a gentle watery shade of light; motorised curtains in the form of screens set up at the entrance to the home display area direct the light and bring it into the bedrooms, creating variations in the light and darkness of natural light.


在阴光各大影院中,光束随纱帘的转变 以区别姿势用处于水波浪的墙体上,两者之间高的肌理转变 發生区别症状。 02/ The Rhythm of Shadows In the Sunshine Cinema, light acts in different gestures with the curtains on the watery walls, reacting differently to their rich textural variations.

超过中心点展厅位置,是高志强建造的“太阳光影院app”和“金木水火土调养音乐歌曲室”。在自然生态光与环境光的映下,软化的形壮粒子描绘出幽静的区域区域空间的氛围。左侧30平方米的区域区域空间内,订制了7.2.4全貌声影音播放器室,吸音板的水波纹快速设置视野上油然而生极度的松开与清爽。 Beyond the central exhibition hall are the 'Sunshine Theatre' and the 'Five Elements Conditioning Music Room', both created by Gao. Under the natural light and lighting, the soft textured particles create a tranquil atmosphere. The 30 square metre space on the right has been customised with a 7.2.4 panoramic audio-visual room, the ripples of the acoustic panels providing the ultimate in visual relaxation and comfort.

右边的次卧表现的是联电国际性与广安门老中医院和高志强的环境情趣制作企业合作制造的五行八字音月的声压疗愈设计,用传统性“五音”的五线谱工作帧率,相应人体内的经络工作帧率,以声压疗愈青春期心理。在不会窗门且较小的公共厨房卫生间里,高志强用带光软膜模拟机了阳光,并在的墙壁一偏布置弧面成功完成了对环境的拓展,在有限公司英文的环境里建立了光线问题的妙用。 The room on the left shows the sound pressure healing system developed by LD International in collaboration with Guang'anmen Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Gao's Space Emotional Design, which uses the traditional "five tones" to heal the body and mind by using sound pressure to correspond to the body's meridian frequencies. In the small, windowless bathroom, Gao uses luminous soft film to simulate daylight and mirrors on one side of the wall to extend the space, allowing for a wonderful use of light in a limited space.

03 斑斓通感

浪漫爱情而精美的通感vr体验一样感化到办公室区, 环境光是有摄氏度的,摄氏度是有乐谱的,感觉器官的共同影响过渡而彻底通透。 03 /Glistening synesthesia The romantic and sophisticated through-sensory experience is equally infectious in the office area. Light has a temperature, temperature has a note, and the interplay of the senses is coherent and permeable.

在聯合办公场地区的上边,高志强用通过低价的单灯管布置出双旋螺人类基因的样式,在高空布置好几回条奇幻的“生物制品链子”。他在设计制作中以布置、搭配、平移等方试赋于最正规的建材以独特的面目。 办公室场所地方以纯白色为综合色调,听取深蓝颜色渐变的楼体和门相应灰蓝绿色的裸顶,一直在彰显着现当代办公室场所位置的精简感和科技产业感。 Above the co-working area, Gao uses low-cost single light tubes to arrange the shape of a double helix gene, creating a fantastical 'biological chain' in the air. In his design, he arranges, combines and rotates the most common materials to give them a different look. The white colour scheme of the office area, together with the dark blue gradient of the walls and doors and the grey-blue bare ceiling, reflects the simplicity and technology of the modern office space.

面临深蓝渐变背景的置物柜,人的愁思似的会悬浮到幽深的星海,都有无限升级已经想像力的产生。 联电知名的辦公区,长长条的辦公桌连通南向,行承载34个店员,俩测两排通顶的储物箱柜给予了不够的厨房收纳区域。 Faced with the dark blue gradient lockers, one's mind seems to float to the deep star river, with the burst of infinite possibilities of imagination. In the office area of LD International , the long desk runs from north to south and can accommodate 34 employees, while the top and bottom lockers on both sides provide ample storage space.

出资人企业办公楼场所室摆放于企业办公楼场所城市的东侧,会按照相互的性格开朗、爱好者和功能键实际需求刻上造为三间个性文字化企业办公楼场所室。 The shareholders' offices are arranged on the eastern side of the office area and have been created into three individual offices according to their personalities, preferences and functional needs.

高志强仍然请相信每一私密环境空间都会有崇高的人个性,在人和人之间的互动交流的关联中被授予了其独具的个人特质与技能。 Gao has always believed in the sacred individuality of each intimate space, endowed with its own unique qualities and attributes in its interactive relationship with people.
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